I Take My Single Self On Honeymoons And You Should Too

More and more it seems like our most defining characteristic as human beings is whether or not we’re currently in a relationship. I’m super single myself, but that doesn’t stop me from living like other couples do and whisking myself away for a romantic rendezvous whenever I can swing it.

  1. Couples don’t own the exclusivity rights to romantic getaways. As an introvert and someone who believes strongly in the value of self-care, I see no problem with treating myself to the same perks as a couple on a honeymoon. I want to swim in all the pretty beaches, eat all the delicious food, watch all the gorgeous sunsets and sleep in all the lush bungalows. Do I sometimes wish I had a partner to share these things with? Sure. Do I need one? Nope.
  2. Being single is the perfect opportunity to cultivate my own lust for life. When you’re unattached, you have a lot of time to discover what ignites your inner fire, and fanning those flames is vital. Passion isn’t reserved for those in love. I’ve always been passionate about traveling to new places, and I’ve learned I’m strong enough to do it time and time again, whether someone is there to hold my hand and snap cute selfies with me or not.
  3. Enriching your life with solo experience is so important. The growth we experience in a relationship is special, and we often learn a lot about ourselves simply by sharing parts of our life with someone else. When two people support each other and grow together, it’s magic. However, our relationship with ourselves is just as important and should never be taken lightly. Actively seeking out experiences we can do on our own is not only empowering, it’s necessary for our development. So, book that solo vacation ASAP—you’re worth it.
  4. I don’t want to wait around to do cool things. There’s always going to be activities and places that at first glance might seem more suited for couples, but what’s a single girl gonna do? Put it all off and wait around for the right one to show up before visiting that beautiful city, booking that nice room, or taking off on that cozy holiday weekend retreat? As much as I would like to snuggle up and share these experiences with someone, I’m simply not going to miss out due to my single status.
  5. I tune into my own needs and try to meet them. After being on your own for a while, you learn what you need and how to get it for yourself. I believe we’re always in charge of our own happiness, but it becomes glaringly obvious when you’re single. I can sense when I’m starting to feel down and need a little pick-me-up. Since comforting cuddles or breakfast in bed from my lover aren’t in the cards right now, I have to find other ways to self-soothe. If this means treating myself to a getaway to relax and recharge, then I’m going to do it.
  6. If I’m free, I might as well take advantage. Though not having anyone is sometimes a real drag and I’d gladly trade some freedom for some love, the truth is, for now, I’m free. I’m free to be lazy or adventurous, to go out or stay home, to do or not do whatever I want. The choice is mine. The what I want part is going to look different for everyone, and it doesn’t have to include traveling at all. All that matters is we all aim to use this freedom in a fulfilling way. It won’t last forever (hopefully).
  7. It’s an exercise in planning. I’m not the most practical person and usually prefer to let things unfold naturally instead of planning out all the details beforehand. This means I save making decisions for the last minute. However, taking trips on my own forces me to exercise a skill that I could stand to develop: planning ahead. With no one to serve as a sounding board, at the very least I have to choose my destination, settle on dates and transportation arrangements, and get the ball rolling in advance. For a tumbleweed type, this process has become oddly satisfying.
  8. I get to go in with zero expectations and an open mind. Because traveling with someone else often involves compromise, it’s a good idea to go in with some expectations about what each person hopes to do on the trip. That way everyone feels heard and gets a say. Though backpacking in a love bubble is amazing, it can put me in a bit of a bubble mindset. When it is just me, each travel experience is a brand new empty canvas. Anything is possible and I’m in charge of forging my own destiny every time I buy a ticket.
  9. Independence is underrated. Independence is a learned skill. While it’s true some prefer a more independent lifestyle, others simply learn how to be alone out of circumstance or necessity. I’m pretty sure I fall somewhere in the middle. Being an introvert, I love spending time alone and I’m quite good at it, but sometimes I get lonely and want to scream, “Enough already! Where’s my person?” Overall, I’m grateful for the relationship I’ve built with myself through this recent era of singlehood.
  10. I enjoy it and it makes me happy. The biggest reason I explore on my own is that I enjoy it. I like waking up with no plans and spending all day wandering around daydreaming. There’s more than enough going on in my head to keep me occupied. If someone special comes along and wants to join me as I drift from place to place, I’ll welcome them with open arms. Until then, I’ve got it covered.
Cati is a freelance writer, teacher and perpetual expat currently based in Thailand. She's a self-identified introvert fascinated by personality theory and all the quirky ways humans show up in the world. Driven by wanderlust and whims, she loves travel, yoga and mutually satisfying one-on-one conversation. Check out more of her work here.