Texting The Guy You Like: What To Do And What Not To Do

Texting with a guy you like can be a great way to progress things in your relationship. It’s surprisingly easier to grow closer to someone over text, but it’s also easy to mess things up with texting mistakes. Here’s what to do and what not to do when texting with a guy you like!

  1. Texting Do: Text him first. Contrary to popular belief, it’s okay to text a guy first. If he always has to text you, he might start to think you don’t really like him and give up. It’s okay just as long as you’re not always the one texting him first. Remember, texting should be a two-way street. Both parties should put in equal effort. If one person starts to feel like a burden, they might lose interest.
  2. Texting Don’t: Bombard him with texts. When it comes to texting a guy you like, try not to bombard him with texts. You want to show your interest, but not overwhelm him. Yes, it can be frustrating to have to wait for a reply. But try to resist double-texting him. You need to show him that you have a life outside of him. and you’re not sitting by the phone waiting for him to respond.
  3. Texting Do: Text him just to talk. You don’t have to have something deep and meaningful to talk about every time you want to text. The more you text the guy you like, the more your relationship will grow. So feel free to text him just to talk. In fact, sometimes texts that simply say good morning or goodnight mean more than “real” texts. Because the very fact you’re sending them shows that you genuinely want to talk to this person, regardless of what you talk about.
  4. Texting Don’t: Only talk in emojis. Emojis can be useful for texting the guy you like, especially when it comes to flirting. But you don’t want to use only emojis or gifs to text. It’s hard for either of you to take the relationship seriously when your conversations consist only of the eggplant emoji. Also, try not to be lazy with your grammar and spelling. All these things seem minor, but they can send the vibe that you’re not serious about this person. If you do like someone, it can lead to a relationship, which is a big deal. So act like it!
  5. Texting Do: Respond to his texts. In the early days, it’s tempting to play games that make you seem hard to get. While we all like to be chased, these games are better left to high school. Your relationship can’t progress if you’re playing cat-and-mouse games with each other, right? So respond to his texts the same way you want him to respond to yours.
  6. Texting Don’t: Revolve your life around his texts. Do treat him with respect by responding to his messages. But that doesn’t mean your life has to revolve around his texts. Try not to get consumed with what he says and how long he takes to respond. You’re not a kitten on the end of a string for him to play with!

More tips for texting the guy you like

texting the guy

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  1. Texting Do: Flirt over text. Feel free to flirt while texting with a guy you like, as this can lead to things progressing more quickly between you. Start inside jokes, tease each other, and compliment each other in your text conversations. This might also make it easier for you to flirt in real life.
  2. Texting Don’t: Only talk about yourself. The same rules apply to texting as they do to dating conversations. Show interest in the other person and refrain from only talking about yourself. Most people will get tired of talking to someone who never asks questions and doesn’t actually listen to the responses they get.
  3. Texting Do: Make plans via text. You don’t need a good reason to text someone you like. But a good reason to text is to make plans. After all, your whole relationship can’t revolve around texting. As much fun as you have texting each other, sooner or later you have to branch out into actually seeing each other in person.
  4. Texting Don’t: Leave him waiting for days. Again, dating gurus advise resisting the urge to play mind games like leaving him waiting for days. You don’t have to drop what you’re doing to respond to his text immediately. But respond in a reasonable amount of time if you can. Treat him with the respect you expect him to treat you with.
  5. Texting Do: Share things of value. If you come across a hilarious meme or a reel that the guy you like would find funny, text it to him! Or if you see something he’d appreciate, take a photo or a screenshot and send it. These things can also help to build up your relationship and give you things to talk about in real life.
  6. Texting Don’t: Screenshot his messages and share them. We’ve all done this. But considering how easy it is to accidentally send a screenshot to the wrong person, try to avoid screenshotting the guy you like. If you must get your friends’ advice, talk about the messages or show them your phone in person. Accidentally sending a screenshot of a message thread with the guy you like, to the guy you like, could be the death knell on your relationship.
Vanessa Locampo is an Aussie writer who’s equally obsessed with YA fiction and pasta. Her time is divided between writing all the things, reading all the things, listening to Queen, and bopping her cat on the nose. She has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing and has written for sites including Hotsprings.co and Discovering Montana, and currently works as an editor at Glam. You can keep up with her on Instagram @vanessaellewrites.