If you have a dog, chances are the thought of dressing them up on a daily basis has crossed your mind. In fact, chances are you’ve actually done it. Bored Panda uncovered these freaky masks for your pup that makes them look like a human, just with one small catch: they’re terrifying.
- They come in three varieties. Whether you want your dog to look like a mean, cigar-smoking leader of a 1800s street gang, a buck-toothed hillbilly, or a sexy, pucker-lipped ingenue, AXAYINC has the mask for the occasion.
- They also serve as muzzles. These masks aren’t just hilarious, but they can keep your dog from biting if it’s known to get a little nippy sometimes. The company also claims it can keep your dog from eating stuff it’s not supposed to, but I suppose that’s operating on the assumption that you would take your dog out for a walk in one of these things, and I’m not so sure…
- They’re latex, which means they’re easily cleanable. You can just wipe them down with a damp cloth and let them dry, which is a good thing (and will also help get rid of that yucky latex smell straight out of the package.
- There are air holes so your dog can breathe. It’s one thing wanting your dog to dress up for your entertainment but a whole other thing to force them against their will into an outfit/mask that makes them uncomfortable. AXAYINC promises that air holes in both the nose and mouth area of the masks will ensure your pet gets plenty of fresh air, which I guess is reassuring.
- They’re kind of terrifying, right? I mean, just look at those things! I’m not sure whether to laugh at them or turn away because they’re going to give me nightmares! I guess I’ll laugh to keep from crying…