Women are constantly bombarded by unsolicited advice about what men like and how to impress them, and, quite frankly, most of it is complete BS. If you’re dating a player, he’s probably running as quickly as he can in the opposite direction. But if you’re with a real man, these things won’t turn him off in the slightest:
- You’re carrying around a few extra pounds. It can be hard to wrap your head around in today’s society, but there’s really nothing wrong with being curvy. In fact, a lot of guys like it. If he’s hung up on your body fat percentage, you should cut him loose and find someone who sees your true beauty. They do exist, and they’re worth finding.
- You wear glasses. If you’ve ever seen one of those cheesy movies about a supposed “ugly duckling” who transforms magically into a beautiful princess, you’ve undoubtedly noticed that the transformation usually involves losing the glasses. Well, that’s yet another load of BS. In reality, a lot of men like glasses on a woman. Plus, you have every right to be able to see.
- You’re completely independent and want to stay that way. Sometimes it seems like all men run away scared when they meet a woman who’s truly independent, but that’s not really the case. The ones who do run are insecure little players; the real men stick around when they know they’re not needed because they want to be in your life.
- You’re looking for a commitment. It stands to reason that players run away from women who want commitment; you’re intimidating to them. However, a real man sees a commitment-minded woman as an asset (because we are). He’s not looking for a cheap hook-up; he sees the value in a long-term partnership.
- You’re focused on your career. Real men like knowing that a woman is committed to her own success; they don’t want to be with someone who’s going to be completely dependent on them. If a guy is threatened by your professional drive or feels emasculated when your paycheck is bigger than his, he’s not worth your time; he’s just an insecure players.
- You’re sexually dominant. Yes, it’s truly OK to be dominant in bed with a man. Unless he’s terribly insecure or controlling, he’ll think it’s incredibly hot. This is an advantage; you can find out if he’s worth your while or a terrible mistake within the course of one night, which means you won’t waste as much time on him if he’s a player.
- You like to party. It gets truly exhausting hearing about how guys don’t like women who party. If you like to cut loose in your off time, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. If a guy doesn’t like it, that’s his problem and it shouldn’t prevent you from being who you are. Just be yourself, and know that a guy is only worth your time if he accepts you for exactly who you are.
- Your mouth has no filter. So you like to swear and tell dirty jokes? Good for you! A real man will love you that much more for it. If a guy complains that you’re too unladylike, tell him he’s not man enough for you. After all, it’s the straight up truth. If he can’t handle your personality at full strength, it’s not your responsibility to water it down for him.