Things People With High Self-Esteem Have In Common

Ever noticed how some people just seem to have it together? They radiate quiet confidence without needing approval from anyone. As it turns out, true self-esteem goes deeper than a positive attitude. Here’s a look at the everyday habits and mindsets that set apart those who genuinely like and respect themselves.

1. They Focus on What’s True, Not Opinions.

smiling black entrepreneur man in office

They know their self-worth doesn’t hinge on someone else’s approval. They don’t get swayed by gossip or mean-spirited comments. Instead, they focus on their values and what they know to be true about themselves and leave the rest. They understand that their truth is the only opinion that truly matters in their world.

2. They Stand Up for Themselves.

People with high self-esteem don’t tolerate disrespect or being treated unfairly. They set boundaries and speak up clearly, but without needing to tear others down. They understand assertiveness doesn’t have to equal aggression. It’s about respecting themselves enough to expect the same respect from everyone else. They stand up for themselves, simple as that.

3. They Own Their Mistakes.

Nobody’s perfect, and these folks get that! Instead of hiding flaws or blaming others, they take responsibility and learn from slip-ups. This shows they prioritize growth and honesty over always needing to appear perfect. They know that admitting mistakes makes them stronger, not weaker.

4. They Celebrate Their Wins.

Big accomplishments, small victories – they take time to acknowledge how far they’ve come. It’s not bragging; it’s recognizing their efforts and fueling themselves for the next challenge. Think of it as giving themselves their own high-fives. It’s about reminding themselves that every step forward is worth celebrating.

5. They’re Not Afraid to Say “No.”

They value their time and energy, so they don’t overcommit just to please others. They recognize that saying “no” sometimes is actually saying “yes” to their own needs and priorities. It’s all about knowing their limits and respecting them. They realize that “no” is a complete sentence and a powerful tool for maintaining their peace.

6. They Surround Themselves with Good People.

They ditch the drama and negativity, seeking friends and partners who lift them up and genuinely support their growth. They understand that the company they keep can make or break their self-esteem. They believe they deserve a support system as awesome as they are.

7. They’re Kind to Themselves.

Instead of beating themselves up over every little thing, they practice self-compassion. They talk to themselves like they would a good friend and recognize that setbacks are part of the journey, not proof they’re not good enough. They understand that extending the same kindness they show others to themselves is a superpower.

8. They Invest in Themselves.

Whether it’s therapy, pursuing hobbies, or learning new skills, they make time and space for personal growth. They see self-improvement as an ongoing journey and proof of self-love. They understand that the best investment they can make is in their own happiness and well-being.

9. They’re Not Afraid to Ask for Help.

They know that seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness but rather a display of strength and self-awareness. They understand that there’s no shame in asking for a hand from a friend, a therapist, or a mentor. It shows they’re committed to growth and resourceful enough to get the support they need.

10. They Celebrate Other People’s Wins Too.

Instead of feeling jealous or threatened, they’re genuinely happy for the wins of their friends and peers. They recognize that other people’s successes don’t diminish their own and see those positive examples as motivation to keep striving. They know there’s enough room for everyone to shine.

11. They Don’t Compare Themselves to Anyone Else.

serious woman brunette outside©iStock/visualspace

They understand that everyone’s journey is unique, and getting caught up in the comparison game is a recipe for unhappiness. They focus on their own path, celebrating their progress without needing to measure themselves against anyone else. Social media can’t shake their belief in their own trajectory.

12. They Forgive Themselves.

Blonde in a field of flowers©iStock/AlenaPaulus

They hold onto the past hurts and regrets, allowing them to determine their future. They learn from their mistakes, extend themselves grace, and choose to focus on the possibilities of the present. They understand that self-forgiveness is a key ingredient to their continued growth and happiness.

13. They Embrace Challenges.

Instead of cowering from tough times, they see them as opportunities to step outside their comfort zone and learn something new. They trust their resilience and recognize that overcoming obstacles can be incredibly empowering. They welcome healthy challenges with a “bring it on” attitude!

14. They Speak Up for What’s Right.

Blonde woman in white looking at lake©iStock/iascic

Even when it’s uncomfortable, they don’t shy away from standing up for what they believe in or defending those who can’t defend themselves. They understand that using their voice and advocating for justice is an act of self-respect and social responsibility. They won’t stay silent when something needs to be said.

15. They Take Care of Themselves.

Beautiful brunette near window©iStock/filadendron

They prioritize healthy habits – sleep, nourishing food, exercise – because they know that well-being goes hand-in-hand with self-esteem. They treat their body with respect because it’s the vessel that allows them to experience all life has to offer. They understand that true self-love means caring for both mind and body.

16. They Find Joy in the Little Things.

They focus on gratitude, appreciating the simple pleasures life has to offer – a beautiful sunset, a good book, a shared laugh. They cultivate an optimistic mindset that finds joy amidst the everyday and makes the most of each moment. They believe that a happy heart is one of the biggest indicators of strong self-esteem.

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Sinitta Weston grew up in Edinburgh but moved to Sydney, Australia to for college and never came back. She works as a chemical engineer during the day and at night, she writes articles about love and relationships. She's her friends' go-to for dating advice (though she struggles to take the same advice herself). Her INFJ personality makes her extra sensitive to others' feelings and this allows her to help people through tough times with ease. Hopefully, her articles can do that for you.