Tito’s Vodka Is Making Its Own Hand Sanitizer To Give Away For Free

Tito’s Vodka Is Making Its Own Hand Sanitizer To Give Away For Free

It’s crazy to think that only a month or two ago, hand sanitizer was a dime a dozen and most people paid no attention to it on supermarket shelves. These days, it’s all but impossible to get a hold of even a trial size bottle and people are taking desperate measures to keep their hands clean. Now they can take a breather because Tito’s Vodka is stepping up to make tons of hand sanitizer to give away for free.

  1. Tito’s Vodka previously warned customers about misusing their alcohol. While alcohol is obviously a major ingredient in hand sanitizers, Tito’s told The Dallas Morning News that hand sanitizer has to be 60% alcohol to be effective and their vodka is only 40%. Better to drink it instead, right?
  2. Now, they’re making the real thing themselves. A recent ruling from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trader Bureau (TTB) gave permitted distillers permission to produce ethanol-based hand sanitizers, which Tito’s Vodka says will allow them to “continue working on this process.”
  3. It’s currently in the testing phase. While Tito’s Vodka’s hand sanitizer sounds amazing, it’s still a little way off. In a post on the brand’s Facebook page, they explained, “Currently, we are testing our formula, procuring necessary components of supplies and packaging, and preparing for production as we wait for the additional required ingredients to be delivered to the distillery. We have the ingredients and equipment on order to make an initial 24 tons of hand sanitizer over the next several weeks, and plan to make more from there as needed.⁣”
  4. When it’s ready, they’ll be giving it away for free. Instead of hiking up prices and taking advantage of people’s panic given the current health crisis, Tito’s promises they’ll be giving their hand sanitizer to the people who need it most. “While we don’t have all of the details quite yet, we do know we will be giving it away for free to our community and those most in need,” they wrote.
  5. They’ll be providing more info as it becomes available on their website. If you’re interested in getting your hands on some Tito’s Vodka hand sanitizer or you’re simply fascinated by the process of an alcohol brand branching out like this, you can follow their progress on their website.
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