To The Girl Who’s About To Give Up On Love

I know you have moments where you question your own worth because of the battles you’ve faced, and I know some days you want to give up the search completely. Hang in there and keep fighting, because even in the moments where you feel weak, you should know you absolutely deserve more from love.

  1. It’s OK if you’re not perfect. It’s so hard not to question yourself when you’ve been let down and disappointed by love time and time again. Even when you feel defeated, you need to remember that your flaws are what make you unique. Anyone who focuses more on the ways you aren’t perfect than all the ways you are isn’t worth your time, anyway.
  2. You deserve to be respected. As much as the modern dating scene has taught us that we’re fighting a romantic ideal that no longer exists, believe me when I say it absolutely does. You’ll date a ton of guys who will ghost you, use you, lie to you and never give you a real chance, but you’ll also date men who are kind and genuine with real intentions of having a relationship. They might be few and far between, but so is anything that’s worth having.
  3. It’s not your fault. Even if you’ve failed a hundred times, the fact that you’ve tried and keep trying speaks volumes. You can’t blame yourself for not having the love you deserve, and the truth is that aside from crappy behaviors, you can’t really blame the other person, either. Sometimes crap just doesn’t work out — and for some people, it doesn’t work out a hundred times before it finally does.
  4. Crappy people are part of the process. I firmly believe that experiencing jerks is a necessary step in the game of love. As hard as it is at the time, those guys are meant to be in our lives, because without experiencing such difficulties in the search for love, you won’t truly appreciate real, genuine love when you find it.
  5. Roadblocks are always a blessing in disguise. Every time I’ve ever been let down by a guy I’d invested time and energy with, only to be left hurt in the end, it turned out to be a huge blessing in disguise. It’s because even when things don’t work out, you emerge from the situation as someone new. You’re not the same person you were in the beginning, and if you let yourself learn from the process, you’ll realize the reason it didn’t work out is simple: it’s because you deserve better.
  6. You’re a prize. Even though love hasn’t been kind to you so far, you should know that the absence of love doesn’t make you any less amazing. Without love, you’re still the same person. You’re still a person with heart and integrity and you’re still a person who has the right to happiness. Sometimes we need to take love out of our heads for a minute and look at the ways our lives are happy right now. Sure, love is great and we all want it in our lives, but if it isn’t the kind of love you deserve, then you’re not missing out on anything. 
  7. It’ll be worth it in the end. Through all of the pain you’ve endured trying to find it and all of the struggles you’ve faced in the process, you should know that you deserve more. Not only that, but that when you finally experience all you deserve from love, you’ll finally understand all of the disasters you survived to get there. It will be worth it, I promise.