Over the years, I’ve received a lot of awful messages from guys online, and I’m definitely not alone in this. Women are constantly being treated badly by some dirtbag hiding behind his keyboard and I’ve had enough of it. Not only is this totally not OK, but I also deserve way better.
- Screenshots are still a thing. Maybe I’m someone who screenshots everything. That’s not to say I’m going to publicly humiliate you because I’m not that petty, but I could if I wanted to. The internet is pretty good at making really unnecessary loser behavior a viral story so you should think before you send rude messages to someone. Your loser behavior just might show up in your employer’s or mom’s newsfeed if you mess with the wrong woman.
- I’m so sick of the new norm. I’m so over being made to feel like I need to just suck it up and deal with guys like this online. The way I see it is that the longer this behavior continues without being addressed, the more new dirtbags come to the surface. It’s not OK and I won’t accept it anymore.
- I didn’t do anything to deserve this complete BS. In just a few years, I’ve been spoken to rudely online by more men than one woman should experience in a lifetime. I’m done being the nice girl and I stopped letting people walk all over me in high-school. If you send me rude messages online, I have every right to tell you to GTFO — I deserve better. If you don’t have anything nice to say, get off the Internet.
- You deserve to be called on your BS. If you have the audacity to make rude and unwarranted sexual remarks when we haven’t even met in real life, then I certainly have the courage and the right to stand up against your disgusting and poor communication skills. Don’t serve out your BS if you’re not willing to take on the mess.
- No one deserves to be spoken to like garbage. It’s getting extremely tiring for women who are serious about finding someone special having to weed through rude and unnecessary messages online and spoken to like they’re nothing. It’s not just that women don’t deserve this terrible behavior — no one does. Women are becoming so jaded from experiencing this behavior that they don’t believe good men are out there or that a forever love story exists anymore, and that’s really heartbreaking.
- It’s really not funny. You might think it’s hilarious to pass your time and get a cheap thrill out of getting a rise out of a complete stranger, but it really makes you no different than a childhood bully who claims to be a grown man. Newsflash — a grown man wouldn’t insult me online to validate himself. I really hope you can aspire to be a better person because hurting a complete stranger and killing my hopefulness to find love is the most soulless thing a person can do. If anything, I seriously pity you.
- If no one calls you out, you’re never going to stop. If no one calls you out for behaving like an imbecile, you’re never going to learn, so please allow me to step up to the plate and say what many women are afraid to — you’re not a nice person and you clearly have some issues. I’m done responding to your douchebag remarks and I won’t stand for it anymore. You might think you’ve won when you attempt to insult me or say disgusting sexual things to me, but let me let you in on the moral of the story — the only thing you’ve won at is losing your chance with an amazing woman like me..