I fell head over heels in love with you and you claimed you fell just as hard back.But when the honeymoon phase ended and you started to realize that our relationship wasn’t as easy as you’d thought, you gave up. It took me a while to understand why, but now I’ve accepted the fact that you just didn’t care enough to fight for what we had.
- I thought we had something worth fighting for. Apparently you didn’t, though. Giving up just tells me that you didn’t think our relationship was worth the effort. You didn’t want to try anymore. If you couldn’t coast, then your heart was no longer in it. I thought we had an epic true love, but in the end, your “love” was fleeting.
- You don’t just give up on love. Not when it’s real. Love is so rare, and that’s why when you find it, you fight for the thing that makes you feel better than you ever thought possible. That’s the kind of love I had for you. That’s why I thought you were worth fighting for. I guess you just didn’t feel the same way about me.
- Love doesn’t disappear overnight. It doesn’t just evaporate. Just like falling in love takes time, falling out of it takes time, too. You didn’t wake up one day and just stop loving me. So why didn’t you talk to me sooner? We could’ve spent time repairing our relationship instead of watching it fall apart.
- I fought for you. While you were giving up, I was fighting with everything I had. We didn’t fail each other — you failed me. So don’t blame me for our relationship falling apart, because that’s on you. I tried my hardest to keep us together, but no matter how hard I tried, it wasn’t enough to make up for your lack of effort.
- You wasted so much of my time. We spent years together, and for what? For you to just give up in the end? Times got tough and you just couldn’t cut it? That’s BS. I could have been spending my time with someone who actually wanted me, someone, who would do whatever it takes to be with me. That’s what I deserved, and that’s what you should have given me.
- We planned a future together. So what happened to those plans? At some point, I stopped being the person you wanted in the future you had in mind. We mapped out our lives together, but then you just gave up. Now we have no future, and I’m left to wonder if we really had anything real in the past.
- I thought we were on the same page. We used to be on the exact same word of the exact same sentence of the exact same page in the exact same book, but somehow I kept moving forward and you fell behind. Suddenly our stories were headed in different directions, and you didn’t even fight for us to get back on track.
- Every relationship has its obstacles. If you just wanted something easy, then good luck. All relationships take work, even the best ones. So you can try again with someone else, but sooner or later you’ll hit the same pothole in the road. In the end, you have to learn to fight or get out of the game.
- It felt like you were just afraid of true commitment. You were able to commit to me, but only to a point. You placed limitations on our relationship, and when it came time to expand that commitment, you just bowed out. You didn’t fight for me because you were too afraid to let yourself really love me, and that’s exactly why our relationship failed.
- I don’t think you know what love really is. If you did, you’d know that it’s worth fighting for — that I’M worth fighting for. Since you gave up so quickly and easily, the only conclusion I can come to is that you never really loved me — you only thought you did.