I used to be a nice girl, albeit a little naïve. I was new to love, and at the start, you seemed perfect to me. Over time I turned into a bitch, or so you say. I’m well aware that my attitude toward you has changed a lot, but before you criticize me for being “mean”, maybe you should reflect on the part you played in my transformation.
- I don’t owe you anything. Not a single thing, especially not after the hell you put me through. You thought that you could just rip my heart apart and there would be no consequences. You pushed me away and then pulled me back in. I suffered an emotional whiplash to say the very least, so why on earth would you believe I owe you the kindness you couldn’t show me?
- You clearly don’t understand the pain you put me through. If you did, you’d be able to see that my attitude towards you is 100 percent justified. Did you ever stop to think about what your choices did to me? There were two people in our relationship, and every decision you made affected me. After all of your betrayals, the very least you deserve is a bitchy attitude from me.
- We will never be friends. You don’t deserve my friendship after the way you treated me. Friends are supposed to care about each other, but the only person you care about is yourself. If you weren’t a good boyfriend, do you really think you’d make a good friend? I don’t want to be friends with someone who could be that awful to me. We’re nothing, and we’ll never be anything ever again.
- I’m finally standing up for myself. If you can’t handle that, then sorry, not sorry. I let you walk all over me for too damn long, but that’s over now. Apparently, I was too nice to you. I gave you more love than you deserved. If you think that finally finding the strength to stand up for myself makes me a bitch, then a bitch is exactly what I want to be.
- You treated me like I was nothing. It was pretty damn clear that you stopped caring. You stopped acting like I was your girlfriend or even worthy of your time. I became a burden in your life rather than a blessing. You made me feel like I would never be enough for you or anyone else. You treated me like crap, and once I finally realized that, that’s when I turned into a “bitch.”
- You were a terrible boyfriend. So why would I be friendly towards you? Did you really think I would just forget everything that you did to me? You treated me like crap, that’s exactly why I’ll continue to treat you like you’re nothing to me.
- It’s time for you to get the hell out of my life. We’re over, we already said our goodbyes and now all I want is you to leave me alone — forever. If we run into each other, I’m going to act like I don’t know you, and I’d appreciate it if you did the same. What I really want is for you to stay as far away from my life as possible. Is that too much to ask?
- You don’t deserve my respect. Why would you? You’ve given me absolutely no reason to have any respect left for you. After all the lies you told, promises you broke, and the indecisive “love” you gave me, my loss of respect for you is totally justified. So instead of acting like you were some amazing guy, face the facts and take responsibility for the dog you really are.
- You’re the crazy one here. You can think of me as your crazy ex-girlfriend, but that’s so utterly cliché that it’s just plain pathetic. The only crazy thing here is that you thought that after you acted like a jerk I’d still want you in my life. What’s truly insane is you thinking that after all the BS you put me through that you’d still have a place in my heart. If you think I’m your crazy ex, it’s about time you took a look in the mirror.
- I hate who you are now. The boy I fell in love with ceased to exist a long time ago. Once upon a time you were a great guy, but now you’re a total jerk. I don’t like the person you became, so I won’t have casual catch-ups, and I refuse to be nice. At this point, you don’t deserve that common courtesy.