Friends are important at every age, but it’s the ones by your side in your twenties that are the most influential. They’re the ones who’re going to teach you about yourself and help you grow, which is why you need a diverse group of people in your circle who each bring something different to your life. Here are the 11 types of friends you hopefully already have in your life right now because you absolutely need them:
- The Friend Who Provides The Drama Face it, your life would be way less entertaining without the friend whose life is a never-ending roller coaster ride. Yes, they can sometimes be annoying and incredibly dramatic, but you live for their stories. They give you actual life and they make you feel both thankful and kind of jealous.
- The Friend Who’s Like A Grandma We all need a friend who tells us not to do the reckless thing we really want to do. A friend who doesn’t drink, smoke, do any type of drugs, and gets pissy when they’re not at home in bed by 10 p.m. Maybe they’re already married with a couple of kids or maybe they’re just a natural homebody. Either way, they keep you grounded and hanging out with them is a nice reprieve from all your drunk and disorderly peeps.
- The Friend Who’s A Total Wild Child You’re constantly wondering how this friend’s even made it this far in life. They’re basically a big child who seems incapable of functioning in the adult world. They’re constantly blowing up your phone with random questions about how to boil water for pasta or work the washing machine, whether or not they should text someone back, etc. And even though they annoy you to tears sometimes, they mean well and they’re good practice for when you eventually have a kid.
- The Friend You Can Always Call For Advice They might be a know-it-all at times, but you’d probably be dead in a ditch if it wasn’t for this person. No matter what time of day it is, you can call them for advice and they’ll give it to you without any biased. They’re the kind of selfless person who puts themselves in other people’s shoes, so you know you can trust what they say to you.
- The Friend Who Knows How To Have Fun You probably don’t spend a ton of time with this friend, and that’s probably because they’re way too busy jet-setting across the world and doing fabulous things to hang out with you all the time. However, whenever you do see them, it’s an absolute ball. They know how to have a good time and whenever you’re with them, you feel inspired to live your best life.
- The Friend You Kind Of Hate They’re kind of a jerk, but they give you things you wouldn’t be able to get on your own. No, I don’t mean materialistic possessions (but that would be dope too). They introduce you to really cool people and places, and even though you probably wouldn’t trust them with your deepest darkest secrets, you know you need them in your life right now.
- The Friend You’ve Known Since Middle School We all have at least one friend we’ve known for a very long time, and honestly, that’s the friend that truly matters! The friend you’ve known as long as you could walk is the friend you should work really hard to keep. Your middle school friend has seen you through your most embarrassing and awkward times. Besides your family, they’ve loved you the longest. You need them.
- The Friend You’re Super Comfortable With This is the friend you can fart in front of without thinking twice about it. You don’t care if you look like an absolute slob when you two are together and you have no problem confiding in them that the boy you liked straight-up rejected you. You never, ever worry about them judging you and that’s because you two are very close – almost like siblings. You two know how to fight and love each other and you’ll probably be friends forever.
- The Friend Who’s Always Sarcastic They’re hilarious and you rarely like to go places without them. They’re the perfect person to have around because their facial expressions and sarcastic tone make any situation the best situation. Sure, not all of your friends like them (after all, she can be sassy as hell) but you don’t give a damn because they’re the comic relief you can’t live without.
- The Friend Who’s Super Outgoing If you’re a little on the shy side, you especially need this friend in your life. They’re probably the reason you have half the friends you have. You’re not the kind of person to make conversation with the group of people next to you at the bar, which is why you have an outgoing friend make conversation for you. Without them, you’d probably be sitting at home most weekends by yourself.
- The Friend Who Constantly Reminds You Of Your Worth Your twenties are an incredibly difficult time. There’s so much doubt and rejection. Even if you’re a confident person there are going to be times when you feel like a worthless piece of crap. Those are the times you need your cheerleader friend. The one who loves you and wants you to succeed so much so that they’ll tell you how amazing you are until you feel like an absolute QUEEN.