Las Vegas Woman Crushes 3 Watermelons With Her Thighs In 7.5 Seconds For New World Record

Las Vegas Woman Crushes 3 Watermelons With Her Thighs In 7.5 Seconds For New World Record

A Las Vegas woman has broken a world record by using her thighs to crush three watermelons in only 7.5 seconds. Kortney Olson, owner of the GRRRL Clothing athletic wear line, said she decided to take on the task as a way of celebrating the opening of the brand’s new store in the city. Needless to say, Olson is a total badass.

  1. Olson hopes the feat will inspire younger girls. Speaking to the Eureka Times-Standard, Olson revealed that crushing watermelons with her thighs was a way to show younger girls how great it is to be strong and have a bit of fun in the process. “I just decided in correlation with our store opening because it’s a community space and we really want to start utilizing the space to teach things, to share this watermelon-crushing story with younger girls,” she said.
  2. She didn’t just beat the record, she smashed it. The Guinness World Record for smashing three watermelons with thighs alone was previously held by Ukrainian bodybuilder Olga Liashchuk, who did so in 14.65 seconds. Olson did it in less than half the time. How awesome is that? I’m seriously so impressed!
  3. Not only that, but Olson even beat the men! The male version of the record for smashing three watermelons was held by Iranian athlete Rohollah Doshmanziari at 10.88 seconds. That’s right – Olson beat him too!
  4. Now, Olson is planning a big event for National Watermelon Day on August 3rd. She’s planning to teach a watermelon-crushing class and having a big celebration for the occasion. I only wish I lived in Las Vegas so I could attend!
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