I Want The Next Guy I Date To Do These Things Naturally, Without Any Hesitation

Once I dated one too many of the wrong guys, I started creating a list of what I wanted in the RIGHT one. It’s not about having the body of Channing Tatum, the face of Ryan Gosling, the personality of Chris Pratt, the intelligence of Albert Einstein, and the voice of Morgan Freeman. Sure, that’d be nice, but it’s not particularly realistic. Here’s what I really want the next guy I date to do without hesitation and without me having to ask:

  1. To boast about my accomplishments I want the next guy I date to brag about my accomplishments when I’m too shy to do so because he’s proud of me.
  2. To love my friends I want the next guy I date to ask about my friends before I bring them up and remember what I tell him about them.
  3. To love my family I want the next guy I date to hang out with my parents, with or without me, and truly grow to care about them and see them as his extended family.
  4. To be smiley about me I want the next guy I date to smile whenever he talks about me for no reason other than that he’s crazy about me.
  5. To appreciate reality TV as much as I do I want the next guy I date to attentively listen while I judge every contestant on “The Bachelor”… without complaining. (Dream on, I know.)
  6. To look up from his phone I want the next guy I date to immediately acknowledge my presence when I walk into a room instead of staring blankly at his phone like he doesn’t even know I’m there.
  7. To be in tune with me I want the next guy I date to be able to tell when I’m upset without looking at my face and go out of his way to try and make me feel better.
  8. To bring me snacks I want the next guy I date to ask, “Do you want anything?” whenever he goes to pick up food. Even better is if he doesn’t have to ask and instinctively knows to pick me up a bag of Doritos.
  9. To have a great sense of humor I want the next guy I date to make me laugh every single day.
  10. To be thoughtful in his gestures I want the next guy I date to surprise me with more small things than big things because he knows I don’t care about material stuff.
  11. To be proud to be with me I want the next guy I date to stand beside me in a room filled with all of his friends because he wants everyone to know he’s with me.
  12. To value my opinion I want the next guy I date to ask my advice before anyone else’s because he truly values my opinion.
  13. To go home with me I want the next guy I date to be willing to leave a party if I’m not comfortable being there.
  14. To be more about hugs than kisses I want the next guy I date to hug me more than he kisses me.
  15. To make eye contact I want the next guy I date to stare into my eyes while I’m talking to him so I know that he’s truly engaged with what I’m saying.
  16. To be physically affectionate I want the next guy I date to hold my hand even if we’re just sitting on the couch. There’s nothing better than those little gestures of affection — he should know that.
  17. To care how I am I want the next guy I date to make my well-being a priority as much as his own.
  18. To support me I want the next guy I date to have my back, even when it’s not his fight and even when I may not be right.
  19. To be OK with cuddling I want the next guy I date to not wake me up if I fall asleep on him and instead cuddle in closer even if it means his arm falls asleep.
  20. To be generous with the texting I want the next guy I date to double and triple text.
  21. To appreciate all the unique things that make me who I am I want the next guy I date to compliment more than just my looks.
  22. To put me first sometimes I want the next guy I date to take me to a restaurant he hates because he knows it’s my favorite.
  23. To only have eyes for me I want the next guy I date to not stare at attractive girls when they walk by.
  24. To be clean and tidy I want the next guy I date to clean his room before I come over — not to impress me, but because he cares about how he comes across to people.
  25. To always use kind words about me I want the next guy I date to talk about me (in a good way) to his family and friends.
  26. To be chivalrous I want the next guy I date to always open the door for me and other women.
  27. To check in with me I want the next guy I date to check in with me throughout the day just because he’s thinking of me and wants to know how I’m doing.
  28. To be strong in his beliefs I want the next guy I date to stand for something, no matter what it is, and never waver in his beliefs while still remaining open to learning and expanding his worldview.
  29. To stay until we work things out I want the next guy I date to not leave the room until an argument is settled.
  30. To let me walk on the inside I want the next guy I date to switch places with me when we walk so I’m no longer closest to the street.
  31. To communicate effectively I want the next guy I date to express everything he’s feeling, right when he’s feeling it.
  32. To make me feel safe I want the next guy I date to make me feel safe without even trying, not by being overprotective or controlling but by making me feel like home whenever I’m with him.
  33. To stand up for what’s right I want the next guy I date to speak up when he hears someone say something inappropriate and stand up for people who maybe can’t do it for themselves.
  34. To not leave the toilet seat up I want the next guy I date to always put the toilet seat down. Seriously.
  35. To be emotionally evolved I want the next guy I date to be open and not afraid of feelings — his or anyone else’s.
Jordan White is a writer based in Scottsdale, Arizona with more than 8 years of experience. She graduated from Northern Arizona University with a degree in Rhetoric and Creative Writing in 2015 and while there, she wrote for The Daily Wildcat. She has since written for sites including FanBread, and, of course, Bolde. You can find about more her on Facebook. She has a passion for giving her audience something to laugh about and despises the heat more than anything.