I Went To Numerous Psychics After My Breakup—Here’s What Happened

After my breakup, I felt devastated and totally hopeless, but I didn’t drink to excess, party, or sleep with other people to get over my ex. Instead, I went to see a psychic—many of them, actually. I spent hundreds of dollars to be told things I already knew about my former relationship, but it was an important part of my healing process.

  1. I needed to know if it was really over. Deep down I knew our relationship was done for good, but you always hear of exes coming back. Was this really the end? Would I get a text or a call in the near future? Maybe this was just a roadblock that we would overcome before walking hand-in-hand to our happily ever after. Psychics would clearly tell me the truth, or so I thought, so off I went. All of them confirmed what I already knew: we were done.
  2. I wanted assurance that one day I’d move on from this. OK, so I assumed I wouldn’t be heartbroken forever, but when the breakup was fresh, it seemed like those feelings of sadness and loss would never go away. The psychics assured me that yes, I would get over this. They vaguely told me about jobs, family, and new opportunities that I had to look forward to in my life and I was excited when I left.
  3. I needed something to look forward to. My bed, Netflix, and junk food were all great escapes from reality, but it was getting old. I had nothing to look forward to, or so I thought. This idea of knowing my future fascinated me, which is why the idea of visiting a psychic was so alluring. If I knew all the stuff that would happen in my future, I could get excited about it and pull myself out of my post-breakup funk.
  4. The worst had already happened so I wasn’t afraid of hearing anything bad. Before this, I never wanted to go to psychics because what if they told me something I didn’t want to know? What if they told me that something bad was going to happen? My worst fear was hearing that my relationship wouldn’t work out or that things would change with us. After those things actually happened, I didn’t have anything holding me back anymore. I figured things could only go up from here.
  5. I spent a lot of money on what was ultimately common sense. Over the period of about a month, I spent hundreds of dollars on psychics. My family and friends thought I was crazy, but I insisted that it was something I needed to do in order to help myself move on. Plus, it’s not like I was saving for anything in my relationship anymore. I didn’t care how much I spent as long as I got answers. Of course, what I actually got was just basic common sense that I already knew deep down anyway.
  6. The psychics did get a few random things right. I didn’t solely talk about my relationship with these psychics. In fact, I tried to say as little as possible so I would be able to tell if they were the real deal. I asked about my family and my job and a few predictions they made actually came true! Maybe they did know a thing or two.
  7. A lot of what they said was complete BS. Some psychics I saw asked me certain questions to try to lead me into giving them answers and nothing they said was with me. How could they call themselves psychic if they couldn’t pick up on simple things in my present life? That was how I gauged their authenticity. At that point, I would just zone out and wonder why I’d spent my money on this BS.
  8. Most importantly, they gave me hope, which is what I needed. Most of the psychics I saw gave me hope for the future. Their predictions about new relationships interested me, but I was skeptical, of course. It did make me feel better to hear that there’s life after a breakup and to know that I won’t be alone forever. It gave me the peace I was looking for.
  9. Ultimately, I realized I have all the answers I need inside of me. After seeing half a dozen psychics, I was ready to put that behind me. It was fun and I believe it was something I had to get out of my system, but I’m not going to run to see one again anytime soon when I want answers. All I need to do is look inside myself to figure out what’s best for me because I’m the only person who can truly control what my future holds. I have the opportunity to build and shape my future and I can do that without a psychic’s help.
Shell is a freelance writer living in Boston, MA. Writing has always been a part of her life even outside of school. In the past she’s written for her school newspaper, town newspaper and Her Campus website. In her spare time she enjoys hanging out with friends, reading, listening to music, going to the beach and relaxing. She looks forward to experiencing a lot more in the coming years and stepping out of her comfort zone.