What Is a Dream Guy Really? 11 Things Every Woman Really Wants

What Is a Dream Guy Really? 11 Things Every Woman Really Wants

Contrary to popular belief, a dream guy isn’t someone who’s over six feet tall with a high-paying job and his own house. There are certain traits that nearly every woman wants in a partner that matter much more than looks and bank accounts, and they’re not difficult to embody. Check them out below!

  1. Someone who’s fun to be around. We all want someone who’s good company. Someone who makes us laugh, is easy to talk to, and who is a joy to spend time with. Everyone’s definition of fun is different, so this is where having things in common can really help. Whether a woman loves bar-hopping, hiking, or staying in and watching movies, her ideal partner will probably have a similar idea of fun.
  2. Someone who doesn’t judge her. The last thing a woman wants is to be judged by her partner. Society judges women for just about everything, so time with their partner should be free of that kind of criticism. An ideal partner accepts her for who she is. If she makes mistakes or acts in an unacceptable way, he tells her gently and tries to help her improve where he can.
  3. Someone she can trust. Trust is paramount in a healthy relationship. According to Psychology Today, all women want a man they can trust. That includes trusting him to follow through with his promises. Stay loyal. Support her when she needs it. If a guy lies and isn’t honest, his partner can’t trust him, which is why that behavior is usually a deal-breaker.
  4. Someone who is emotionally intelligent and sensitive. Men might think they have to be super intelligent to attract the interest of most women. While some women might have a thing for men with high IQs, most would prefer a man who is emotionally intelligent. In other words, a man in touch with how he’s feeling and processes his emotions in a healthy way, rather than letting them control his behavior. Women also love sensitive men, who aren’t afraid to have deep conversations and be vulnerable.
  5. Someone who is kind and compassionate. As much as some women lust after bad boys, those looking for healthy relationships dream about people who are kind and compassionate. The two aren’t mutually exclusive, as you can still have a kind heart while being a little rough around the edges. But when push comes to shove, women want partners who are deeply good people—who will be kind to them and to others.

What makes a man your dream guy?

  1. Someone who is affectionate. Women tend to move at different paces in relationships. Some crave affection early in a relationship and others want to wait for that step. But most women want a man who will show them how much they care. And a lot of the time, that is through affection: kisses, hugs, hand-holding, kind words, and anything else that shows her how much she means to him.
  2. Someone who knows how to communicate. When one person lacks communication skills, a relationship is usually plagued by misunderstandings and, eventually, arguments. That’s why the typical dream guy is someone who knows how to communicate. Even when it comes to having difficult conversations, they express how they feel rather than brushing problems under the rug. And bonus points when they communicate in a gentle and articulate way.
  3. Someone who supports her. Every woman wants a partner to support her as she pursues her dreams. That one person she knows will always be there to cheer for her. Who never tells her that her goals are unrealistic or she’s not good enough. A dream guy stands by her as she follows her ambitions and creates a life that will make her happy.
  4. Someone who’s a good listener. Dream guys are good listeners. Women don’t have to repeat themselves five times before they take note. They don’t feel like they’re talking to walls. Rather, dream guys actually absorb what they hear. They ask appropriate questions in response rather than just responding generically. And even when they don’t know what to say, they let their partner know that they’re there to listen.
  5. Someone who gives her space. Contrary to what you might have been told, women don’t want to be coddled every second of the day. Everyone needs space. A dream guy is affectionate and supportive, but he also doesn’t force himself in her space when she just needs time to herself. He gives her the space she needs without feeling resentful or jealous.
  6. Someone who respects women in general. Mind Body Green explains that women want a man who respects women in general. If a guy is nice to them but then makes derogatory comments about other women (including calling his ex crazy) or shows a misogynistic attitude, it’s generally a turn-off. Typically, dream guys don’t enforce traditional gender roles on women who don’t believe in them, don’t practice slut-shaming, and respect the opinions of other women as they do men.

Is it really that hard to find a dream guy?

If you really think about it, the qualities listed above aren’t over-the-top or extreme, and they’re definitely not unreasonable. They basically just describe a thoughtful, caring, attentive partner who treats you with consideration, respect, and love. Women really aren’t asking for a lot, and men like this do exist. Keep holding out hope!

Vanessa Locampo is an Aussie writer who’s equally obsessed with YA fiction and pasta. Her time is divided between writing all the things, reading all the things, listening to Queen, and bopping her cat on the nose. She has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing and has written for sites including Hotsprings.co and Discovering Montana, and currently works as an editor at Glam. You can keep up with her on Instagram @vanessaellewrites.