What It Means To Love Him At His Worst

What It Means To Love Him At His Worst ©iStock/PeopleImages

Real relationships come with struggles. Human beings aren’t perfect; we’re flawed, we make mistakes, and we sometimes disappoint ourselves and one another. Just because you may not always be at your best doesn’t make you unworthy, and the same goes for your partner. After all, loving someone at their worst is the most is the most beautiful thing you can do.

  1. You’ll love him even when you’re fighting. You’ll hate him for a moment, but love him in the pauses and in the deep breaths you take between arguing where you realize you’re fighting to move forward, not fighting to quit. Not fighting would mean there’s nothing worth fighting for, and you know better than that.
  2. You’ll love him when he gets way too drunk and you have to hold the bucket. You’ll be annoyed when he has a few too many and acts like a complete imbecile, but when you get home, you’ll get him water, a bucket, and a Tylenol and put them to sleep. Oh, and you’ll laugh off his idiocy in the morning.
  3. You’ll love him when he’s wrong. He’ll say stupid crap that makes you cringe and he’ll share opinions you’ll sometimes disagree with, but you’ll love him anyway for trying and for being true to who he is, even if he’s not always right.
  4. You’ll love him when he doesn’t look perfect. You’ll love him when he gains a few pounds or if some days he forgets to take shower. You’ll love him with spinach in his teeth or when he spills red wine on his white shirt because even in his ugliest moments, he’s still the most beautiful person you know.
  5. You’ll love them when he’s crying. His tears will make you want to cry because you hate seeing him upset. Even when you can hardly make out the words he’s saying through the sobs, you’ll love him for every emotion he shows you, because he trusts you enough to let you see it.
  6. And you’ll love him even more when he’s angry. His moments of rage will be unbecoming, but you’ll know it’s a small part of the amazing person he is. You’ll remember he’s human and that even though he has moments of weakness where he gives in savagely to his emotions and he simply can’t hold it together anymore, you’ll be there to see him through it, even if it’s hard. You won’t give up on trying to make him smile again.
  7. You’ll love him when he’s fighting his demons. You’ll love him in the moments when you don’t know what to do, but you’re willing to stand by him while he figures it out. You’ll stand by him in support and give him whatever he needs to escape the darkness he sometimes feels. Real people have battles we might not know anything about, but you’ll give him a safe haven to escape to while he goes through the struggle.
  8. You’ll love him even when he doesn’t love himself. You’ll love him even when he’s insecure and unsure of himself. You won’t be turned off when he’s not 100% confident or when he deeply hates the person he sees in the mirror. Because to you, even though he’s not perfect, he’s perfect for you. Real love is a balancing act and it’s about the give and take. You’ll love him because even at his worst, he’s still the best person you know.