When it comes to dating, laid-back women often get the short end of the stick and it really doesn’t make sense. We’re chill, fun, and open to new experiences, so why does it sometimes seem like guys often prefer the uptight girls? We have a ton in common with guys, and we aren’t ashamed of that; it just makes us more awesome to be around. There are a lot of really good reasons to try dating a laid-back woman.
- We won’t judge you for not having enough cutesy knick-knacks in your apartment. Chances are, we don’t have very many either. We’ll keep a few sentimental items and gifts from friends around, but we’re basically pretty minimalist and we understand that guys are too.
- We’ll sleep in with you whenever possible. Early to bed, early to rise? Hell no. If it’s not a day that requires rising early, we’re happy to catch a couple hours of extra sleep with you. Bonus points if it leads to lazy morning sex.
- We’ll help you kill a pizza and a case of beer while playing video games. You’ll never have to choose between your dude pastimes and your girl if you choose the right girl. Isn’t that the dream?
- We’ll puff puff pass anytime. Who doesn’t love a girl who’s down to chill in all the fun ways?
- We’ll watch sports with you. Chances are, we have a favorite team that we follow as well, and we take our sports just as seriously as you take yours.
- We’ll watch action movies with you and enjoy them. We know that some ladies don’t enjoy fast car chases and explosions, and we apologize for the way they make us all look lame, but many of us enjoy the adrenaline.
- We like sex and will be down for it often. You won’t have to beg or plead, and we won’t have a “headache” every night. Usually, women whose personalities align with guys have high testosterone, and that makes us want sex just as often as you do.
- We’ll always be down to go on an adventure/try something new. We believe that adventure is the spice of life, and we’ll be your partner in crime if there’s something you’ve always wanted to try.
- We believe in honesty, so we won’t play games. You won’t have to try to decipher what’s going on in our heads; we’ll tell you. We understand the importance of honesty in a relationship.
- It’ll be like dating your best friend. Who doesn’t want a best friend/lover all rolled into one awesome chick? Give the laid back chick a chance; she may be exactly what you’ve been looking for.