Why Is It So Hard To Find A Guy Who Meets The Simplest, Most Basic Requirements??

Why Is It So Hard To Find A Guy Who Meets The Simplest, Most Basic Requirements??

I don’t have a relationship checklist, but I do have expectations on how I want to be treated by the guy I spend my life with. The few things I want are super simple but finding them has been insanely difficult. I’m almost baffled at how hard my search has been. But even if it hasn’t been the easiest journey, I’m still hopeful the right guy actually exists — he has to. I’m not looking for a White Knight, nor do I have crazy expectations for a perfection that doesn’t exist. What I want from love is really quite simple:

  1. Someone who can communicate. I’m done with the guys who won’t text you back for days at a time. I’m ready for the guy who I don’t have to question or dissect his intentions through a string of characters and a time stamp. I want someone who will call me for no reason, just to hear my voice, and someone who will talk to me about tough crap instead of running for the hills at the first sign of discomfort.
  2. Someone who’s honest about their feelings. I’m ready for the guy who isn’t afraid to tell me that he likes me and isn’t afraid to admit that he’s falling. I want the guy who doesn’t hesitate to voice what he’s feeling, whether it’s good or bad. I’m ready for the guy mature enough to communicate what he wants so I don’t have to constantly question what his intentions are.
  3. Someone who supports me even on my worst days. I’m going to have my bad days like anyone, and I expect that from my partner in life too. I’m ready for the guy who cares about me and everything I am, flaws and all, and will be there for me in my worst moments. I want the guy who doesn’t constantly look to upgrade to someone better because he knows he won’t find better for him than me.
  4. Someone who will laugh with me in the grocery aisle. I’m ready for the guy I’ll shop for produce with and who will pick out a fancy dessert with me for no special occasion on a random Tuesday night. I want the guy who will be there for me through all of the daily life responsibilities because he wants to be there, and because he couldn’t imagine doing those simple things with anyone else.
  5. Someone who calls me beautiful for no reason. I’m ready for the guy who calls me beautiful instead of hot. I want the guy who loves me even without makeup and even when my hair is a complete mess after I’ve rolled out of bed. I’m ready for the guy who wants to see me in my bare moments and kisses me on the forehead even when I don’t look done to the nines.
  6. Someone who picks up the phone and calls. I’m ready for the guy who actually picks up the phone and makes the vintage act of a phone call. I want the guy who doesn’t have to text me to ask beforehand, because he’ll know I love hearing from him even if it’s just to say a quick hello to talk about how our days are going. I want the guy who checks in with me, not because I expect him to, but because he wants to keep me in the know of what’s happening in his life — and he wants to know those same details about mine as well.
  7. Someone who will meet my family. I’m ready for the guy who won’t flip the hell out when we’ve been dating a few months and I want him to meet my parents and friends. I want the guy who realizes that merging me into his world (and me into his) is a natural relationship step to further the amazing thing we’re building together. I’m ready for the guy who’s mature enough to know that relationships are about moving forward and taking new and positive steps together.
  8. Someone who I can talk to about anything without fear. I’m ready for the guy I can tell my darkest secrets to without worrying he’s going to judge me for the mistakes of my past. I want the guy who understands that life is a cycle and that hard times happen to everyone. I’m ready for the guy who understands people can change and grow at any time and who motivates me to continue to improve upon myself just as I’ll do for him.
  9. Someone who wants to walk forever by my side. I’m ready for the guy who’s looking for the long haul, and not the long hallway leading to the exit. I want the guy who isn’t afraid of commitment and the guy who knows that having someone special to share life and memories with is far more priceless than any long list of bedded dimes could ever be.
  10. Someone who will love me back. I’m ready for the guy that’s going to make me fall crazy in love with him and will only awaken that side of me because he wants to love me the same way in return. I want the guy who tells me he loves me and means it with everything. I’m ready for the love of a simple and classic form, and I want it for life.