While it’s good to spend time apart from your partner doing your own thing, it can get a bit annoying when you want to enjoy some quality time together and your S.O. would rather go to the bar or pub with his friends. One woman found this habit of her husband’s so obnoxious that she built her own pub in the couple’s back yard in an attempt to keep him home.
- It’s called The Doghouse Inn. Jane Tapper, who works as a nurse in Devon, England, spent five months bringing the cabin-style pub together and the finished result is admittedly pretty astonishing. Jane now serves as landlady and both her husband Paul and their three adult children enjoy coming around with friends to drink for free.
- It cost just over $5,000 to make. According to Metro, it cost £2,700 to build the cabin itself, plus £100 on the church pews used as seating, £650 to buy a vintage Space Invader game, £400 to put in the bar, £70 for a fire heater, £100 for fridges, and about £50 for decorations for a total of £4,070, or just over $5,200 USD. Not bad, especially considering how professional it looks!
- Jane was at her wits’ end. “My husband Paul, 53, an engineer, had always loved popping down to our local and I could never seem to keep him at home. And so I got thinking – why not create my own pub, become my own landlady and then I can really tell people – my husband’s in the doghouse!” she said. “We’d had to get the garden leveled out anyway, which had been expensive – over £15,000 – and it seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to play out what I’d always wanted.”
- The back yard pub seems to have done the job. Paul loves The Doghouse Inn and not only does it now serve as a man cave of sorts but also as a hangout spot for the couple and their friends. “I’m always finding things for the little pub,” Jane said. “It has become more than just a man cave for Paul – I love using it too and I’d quite happily spend most nights in there. It’s great to chill in and it really does feel like I’m in my local!”