Will He Ever Marry Me? How To Know Whether He’ll Ever Be Your Husband

Will He Ever Marry Me? How To Know Whether He’ll Ever Be Your Husband

There’s nothing quite like the frustration of a relationship that doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere. This happens at all stages of life and it’s something that you don’t just grow out of, you have to actively engage with in order to get results. If you’re feeling trapped by a relationship, there are a few ways you can look into your future and see what’s in store, depending on how your partner behaves.

  1. You never run out of things to talk about. This is a huge sign that your relationship is destined for more. It means that you are always talking and growing together, and you don’t just discuss day-to-day nothingness. Furthermore, if you’re still constantly interested in each other, it means that the relationship is never in jeopardy. Even if you experience obstacles that you need to overcome, you always want to be there. It’s a fundamental strength of the relationship because you need to understand each other to get married.
  2. Date nights are still fun. Even though you might have run the gamut on fun things to do or new date ideas, you’re still excited. You are both willing to take risks and keep things fresh and that’s all that matters. Nothing is quite so relaxing and easy as a relationship that just works. This is a great sign that although it might seem slow going, you are on the track to marriage.
  3. The relationship is still exciting. You can still find new ways to excite each other. I don’t just mean in the bedroom, either – although that doesn’t hurt. At its core, great sex life is just the evidence of strong communication. Either way, you’re still excited by the path your relationship could take, and you don’t feel trapped by the relationship parameters.
  4. He keeps surprising you. You never want to feel like you have hit the ceiling in your relationship. But that only happens when you stop changing as people. However, if you keep evolving and maturing together, this never happens. This is also true if you’re willing to be goofy together and make mistakes. There’s so much ground to cover together and it’s a great sign for moving things forward to marriage. For you, marriage isn’t a trap or the inevitable, obvious way to prove to the world that you are committed – you never doubt your commitment, and it just makes sense. You’ll know when you’re really falling in love.
  5. He’s always moving the relationship forward. This happens in many subtle and obvious ways. You don’t just need to get a promise ring every other year to prove yourself. But, if you pick up a new jar of jam from the grocery store on your way home just because you saw that your partner ran out, these small signs are great indicators of enthusiasm in the relationship. He doesn’t do it because he’s asked to, or forced to, he just wants to. Sheer willingness to make the effort is the gold standard.
  6. He starts talking to your parents more. I know some people don’t like the traditional route of asking your father’s permission to marry his daughter, but hey – it’s a classic. Even if he doesn’t have a ring at that exact moment, it’s on his mind. And even if it isn’t, what’s to be lost if he cares about your family? Nothing – it’s cute.
  7. He makes the effort with your friends. This is also important. You don’t want guys that just give you space, you also want them to actively engage with you and your friends. They are really important to you, and if you’re as invested in his life too, then you want to meet his friends too. It’s a way of networking, but also seeing how your person got to be the way they are.
  8. He knows you like no one else. He sees you like no one else gets to. Maybe he notices that you pick at your nails when you’re nervous. Or that you talk more with strangers than your family at reunions. He knows all your tells and ticks and constantly wants to know more. To understand you. That’s the best sign that he’s thinking about marriage too – he wants your past, present, and future.

Don’t worry if your guy doesn’t show up in every section of this list – take it with a pinch of salt. There’s no one reason that he’s never going to marry you – everyone’s different. Stay calm. Take care with your relationship, and with yourself, and be patiently ready for when that ring does come.

Hannah has a Masters degree in Romantic and Victorian literature in Scotland and spends her spare time writing anything from essays to short fiction about the life and times of the frogs in her local pond! She loves musical theatre, football, anything with potatoes, and remains a firm believer that most of the problems in this world can be solved by dancing around the kitchen to ABBA. You can find her on Instagram at @_hannahvic.