Woman Accuses Boyfriend Of Cheating For Kissing His Ex-Girlfriend Before Her Life Support Was Turned Off

Woman Accuses Boyfriend Of Cheating For Kissing His Ex-Girlfriend Before Her Life Support Was Turned Off

A woman accused her boyfriend of cheating on her because he kissed her before her life support was turned off and she passed away. Taking to the AITA sub on Reddit, user tellze shared an experience he had in which his ex, Anna, was in a terrible car accident. She experienced such severe injuries that it became clear she was never going to survive. While he just wanted to say goodbye to someone who once met a lot to him, his current girlfriend Katie was not happy about it.

  1. Anna experienced horrific injuries that put her on life support for months. As OP explained, Anna “received over 20 injuries (lacerated liver, broken ribs, punctured lung, bruised lung, left foot torn off, just to name a few)” and she was kept on a ventilator in a coma at her parents’ request.
  2. OP and Anna were still in a relationship when the accident happened. While OP visited her for months, it was taking a serious emotional toll on him knowing that she would never wake up. Anna’s parents eventually told him that Anna would want him to move on and find love, and while it took him a while, he eventually went to therapy and re-finding religion, he put himself back out there and ended up meeting Katie.
  3. Eventually, Anna’s parents decided to turn off the life support. While OP was upset at first, he knew it was the right decision for Anna. Katie knew about Anna and what happened to her so she wasn’t surprised when OP wanted to be there when she eventually passed away.
  4. OP gave Anna a heartfelt goodbye. “When I got there, I kissed Anna’s forehead, ran my hands through her hair, and told her I loved her,” he wrote. “After the the doctors removed her tube, it was extremely emotional for all the family and me. I kissed her again (on her lips, and just whispered again “I love you).” He added that he gave the eulogy at Anna’s funeral and again told her during the speech that he loved her.
  5. Katie was incredibly angry after the service. Speaking to OP after the service was over, Katie wanted to know what he meant when he said “I love you” and he explained as well as telling her about the kiss. Katie was infuriated and went to stay with her parnets, saying that he cheated on her.
  6. The kiss wasn’t romantic or sexual, OP insists. Many commenters noted that it seems as though he’s still grieving and clearly not ready to be in a new relationship and used his kiss and “I love you” as proof of this. However, others claimed that Katie was jealous of a dead woman and should get over it. It’s hard to say who’s right here, but it sounds like an upsetting situation.
Jennifer has been the managing editor of Bolde since its launch in 2014. Before that, she was the founding editor of HelloGiggles and also worked as an entertainment writer for Bustle and Digital Spy. Her work has been published in Bon Appetit, Decider, Vanity Fair, The New York TImes, and many more.