Woman Arrested For Stabbing Boyfriend Repeatedly For Allegedly Looking At Nude Photos Of Her Daughter

Woman Arrested For Stabbing Boyfriend Repeatedly For Allegedly Looking At Nude Photos Of Her Daughter

A Connecticut woman is behind bars after she repeatedly stabbed her boyfriend for allegedly looking at nude photos of her young daughter. Trysh Brown, 31, of Bridgeport, was charged with first-degree assault for the late-August incident, the Connecticut Post reports, and the man was said to be in critical condition after being stabbed “eight to ten times.”

  1. Police were called to the house after the man ran screaming from the house. When they arrived, they found him covered in blood and sitting on the sidewalk. His injuries were serious and he was immediately taken to Bridgeport Hospital. Brown was inside and officers said she was also covered in blood, presumably her boyfriend’s.
  2. Brown says she acted in self-defense. According to Brown, she woke up that morning and saw her boyfriend looking at nude photos of her young daughter on his cell phone. When she confronted him, he began hitting her in the face and so she grabbed two kitchen knives and began stabbing him to protect herself since “he is a big man.”
  3. The State’s Attorney sought a high bond. Given the seriousness of the boyfriend’s injuries, Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Kevin Dunn asked Superior Court Judge Kevin Doyle to set a high bond for Brown in order to keep her behind bars as she awaited trial. However, Dunn later admitted that there was some evidence that Brown’s self-defense claim had merit and that it needed further investigation. Bond was set at $75,000.
  4. A petition was started for Brown’s release. Someone named Ororo Monroe began a Change.org petition to have Brown immediately released from prison, citing Brown’s self-defense claim and insisting that it was cruel to keep her away from her young daughter while awaiting her next court appointment. There is also a GoFundMe to help support Brown’s daughter during this difficult time.
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