Woman Dies After Botched Liposuction Leaves Holes In her Organs

Woman Dies After Botched Liposuction Leaves Holes In her Organs

A mom of two has died after a botched liposuction surgery left her with “injuries like she’d been in a knife fight.” Sara Gomez, 39, underwent the procedure in Cartagena, Spain, paying $6,500 to have fat removed but ending up with holes in her organs, the NY Post reports (via The Sun).

  1. Gomez was hospitalized for nearly a month. She went into the hospital on December 2 and died on January 1 after nearly a month in ICU. While the surgeon initially told Gomez’s family that “everything went well,” he admitted that she’d lost some fluid and they were working to stabilize her. A few hours later, she went into hypovolaemic shock.
  2. She had holes in her organs. Gomez is said to have sustained many serious injuries during the course of the liposuction procedure, including holes in her kidney, liver, duodenum, colon, and intestine. The family’s lawyer, Ignacio Martinez, said the injuries were “more typical of the result of a knife fight.”
  3. Police have launched an investigation. They’re looking into Clinica Galna after it was reported that the surgeon who performed Gomez’s surgery was trying to flee the country and return to his native Chile.
  4. Gomez’s family also plans to file a suit against the surgeon in charge. “Many cosmetic surgery cases come to my association but what happened here is incomprehensible,” Martinez said. The family will file suit as soon as the autopsy results come back.
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