Woman In Long-Distance Relationship Convinces Boyfriend To Make Her A Mold Of His Genitals

A British woman in a long-distance relationship has convinced her boyfriend to create a silicone mold of his genitals while the couple spends lockdown separately. Kelly appeared on the Channel 4 show Sex In Lockdown to reveal that she and boyfriend Sam had been living together in his native Australia before COVID hit and she had to return to the UK to be with her family. That means having to get creative about intimacy.

  1. Kelly’s family insisted she come home. While she would have liked to remain in Australia with Sam, Kelly’s family wisely told her she needed to come home to be with them. “At the time when corona went down I got a phone call from my parents and they said ‘no, you are coming back, this is getting really serious,” she recalled. “It’s been really difficult as I miss him so much.”
  2. She couldn’t go without a little of Sam’s lovin’ while she was away from him. As Sam explained, they finally decided to bite the bullet and get Kelly a silicone mold of Sam’s manhood so that she didn’t feel quite so lonely. “Kelly and I have made the choice to purchase a clone-a-willy, and I’ve finally got it. Pretty much the whole container turns into a mold. Pop your d**k in, make the mold around it,” he said. “It is one of those things I think she will enjoy and she is definitely looking forward to it as whenever I bring it up she goes quite giddy. I very much like it as it turns her on. Really looking forward to what her reaction is.”
  3. Kelly was overjoyed to receive the package, so to speak. She admitted that getting the clone of her boyfriend’s bits brought back fond memories of their time together. “So exciting, we have lift off. Actually having it here with me brings all the memories flooding back. That’s so crazy it has the veins on it and everything. It’s nice to have a part of him here with me.”
  4. If this sounds like something you’re into, you can buy your own. Online sex toy store LoveHoney provides the service for just under $50, so if there’s someone you’re missing or someone you want to miss you, you know what to do.

Jennifer has been the managing editor of Bolde since its launch in 2014. Before that, she was the founding editor of HelloGiggles and also worked as an entertainment writer for Bustle and Digital Spy. Her work has been published in Bon Appetit, Decider, Vanity Fair, The New York TImes, and many more.