While not everyone is down with dating sugar daddies, it definitely has its advantages, and no one knows that better than 24-year-old Billie Lade. The full-time special education teacher hasn’t just received free ski trips and other decadent gifts since she began dating men with money back in 2014 but she’s also managed to pay off her student loan debt too!
- Billie was frustrated with the dating game. While dating online, she was looking for guys who spoke her love language, which is gift-giving and receiving. It was nearly impossible to find, so instead she began dating older men who were much more into it. “I have been using online dating off and on since 2014. When I was in college, it was easiest to use Tinder or Bumble, since most of the college guys I wanted to date also used those apps,” she recalled.
- It was all about efficiency. “Since graduating and coming to the Bay Area though, I’ve had much less leisure time to endlessly scroll through people I wanted to date. My love language is gift-giving and receiving, and I wanted to be efficient in my dating. I only wanted to date men who were willing to talk to me in a way that made me feel wanted and loved, for example through gifts.” Fair enough!
- Being able to pay off her student loans is the best part of dating sugar daddies. “I don’t keep a solid record of all the gifts and presents sugar daddies have given me, but I have been able to pay off my undergraduate student loans of $8,500, which has been such a life-changer, and has made it so much more exciting to plan for the future,” she revealed. I bet! Student loan debt is oppressive and it would be such a relief not to think about it anymore.
- Sugar daddy dating isn’t for everyone but Billie has no regrets. “I know what I want, and I know what I have to offer, and I’m able to surround myself with like-minded individuals. Sugar dating is not for every person, but it certainly works for me,” she said. Fair enough! If both people in a situation are happy with it, what’s the problem?
- Her current “sugar daddy” is actually more of a conventional partner. Billie has finally met a guy she really likes who’s a bit younger and their relationship isn’t all about gifts. “He is the only man I have a romantic and physical connection with now. I would not consider him a conventional nor stereotypical sugar daddy since he’s a lot younger – also in his twenties, like me – than most of the men I have sugar dated,” she explained. “I call him my romantic partner rather than my sugar daddy. He does all the same things though: treats me to delicious food on dates or dishes he has made himself, takes me on fantastic weekend getaways in the Bay Area or while we are traveling, and buys me gifts that are meaningful and beyond my own budget, such as sexy clothes.”