A Florida woman pulled a knife on a fellow customer and threatened to “gut” the man after he complained about a loud fart she passed at a convenience store. Shanetta Yvette Wilson, 37, was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill, the Miami Herald reports.
- The customer was offended that someone would pass wind in an enclosed space. According to an affidavit, John Walker vocalized his displeasure with Wilson’s wind as they stood in line together at Dollar General in Dania Beach. That’s when things got a little crazy.
- Wilson and Walker got into a verbal altercation. The fight was “in reference to the defendant farting loudly,” the arrest report says. However, it wasn’t long before things escalated and Wilson pulled out a knife.
- It all turned into one big stink. According to police, when Wilson took the knife from her purse and threatened to “gut” the man, she then motioned in a way that seemed as if she was going to stab him. Police were called to the scene.
- Wilson was taken to a local detention facility in Pompano Beach. After her arrest, she was booked in and her bail was set at $2,500. It’s unlikely she’ll spend any real time behind bars, but let this be a lesson that you should hold in your wind while you’re in a store (and that if someone doesn’t, you might want to keep your disgust to yourself in case someone pulls a knife on you, I guess).