Women Spoil Men Too — Some Of You Just Never Made It That Far

Women Spoil Men Too — Some Of You Just Never Made It That Far

There’s a certain subset of guys who seem to think that women are high-maintenance princesses who want guys to spoil us. While yeah, that would be nice, what these guys don’t seem to realize is that women like to spoil men too. The problem is that a lot of you never made it far enough into a relationship with us to experience it.

  1. We don’t all dream of being catered to. To be honest, as much as it’s nice to be doted on, many women are uncomfortable with men putting us on pedestals and treating us like royalty. We’re used to being self-sufficient and taking care of ourselves, so many of us would much rather spoil our men than be on the receiving end. Whether guys want to believe that or not, it’s the truth.
  2. We know relationships are a two-way street. Even if we do want our men to spoil us, most of us aren’t selfish enough to just take and take without giving anything back. We know that we’re not the only ones who enjoy having our partners do nice things for us, and we’re more than willing to do the same in return. It’s only fair. We’re not the only ones in the relationship and we wouldn’t dream of acting like it.
  3. We actually want to make you happy too. Again, a lot of guys have this idea in their heads that women want relationships to revolve entirely around us but that’s not true. As much as we dream of finding someone who goes out of their way to make us happy, we want to make you happy too. Being able to spoil our men is a big source of pride and something that brings us a lot of joy. The issue is that so many of you don’t give us a chance before you jump ship.
  4. You have to earn king status. It’s not a given. Simply taking us on a date or agreeing to be exclusive isn’t enough to unlock so-called king status in our lives. If men want us to spoil them, they need to earn it. That means being consistent, treating us like we matter, and being good partners. Once we feel secure, loved, and appreciated in the relationship, the sky’s the limit in terms of what we’ll do for you.
  5. We don’t give to get, but we shouldn’t be putting in all the effort. If we decide to cook you a special dinner, do all the laundry you’ve been too lazy to do, buy you a new PlayStation game you’ve been eyeing, or any other nice gesture, that doesn’t come with a price tag. It’s not done with the expectation of getting anything in return. We don’t spoil our men because we’re holding out for something or trying to manipulate you. That being said, if it’s only us putting in all the effort and doing little things to make life better, that’s a serious problem.
  6. We’ve overextended ourselves for too many guys who don’t deserve it already. There’s no limit to the number of men we went out of our way to spoil, only to be completely taken for granted and dumped without a second thought. Again, we get that doing nice things (in either direction!) isn’t enough to keep a relationship together, but when all your thoughtfulness and consideration is thrown back in your face, it makes you wonder why you bother. These days, we’re much more cautious about who we go out of our way for, which is pretty understandable.
  7. You don’t need to do much to earn our affection. We love to spoil men we care about, and we care about men who do a few simple things. For one, you need to treat us with respect. Accept us for who we are and don’t pressure us to change. Encourage us to be our best and be our biggest cheerleader. Be consistent, considerate, and confident in your feelings for us. If those things are in place, you’re in for a hell of a treat.

spoil men

Bolde has been a source of dating and relationship advice for single women around the world since 2014. We combine scientific data, experiential wisdom, and personal anecdotes to provide help and encouragement to those frustrated by the journey to find love. Follow us on Instagram @bolde_media or on Facebook @BoldeMedia