While stalking your ex isn’t exactly the most productive thing you could do with your time, we’re all guilty of it at some point or another. Some light Instagram or Facebook scrolling to see what they’re up to and who they’re hanging out with these days isn’t a huge deal, but some people will stop at nothing to get info on their former partners—even if that means creating fake profiles to do so.
Tech.Co surveyed 2,000 people about their online behavior following a breakup, and a whopping 26% of people said they’d totally make a fake account to stalk their ex or even their former friends. Something tells me that if someone who used to be in your life has blocked you from seeing their stuff, you need to take the hint and move on.
Some other interesting things came out of the report, like the fact that 34% of people had experienced a breakup due to drama caused by social media and that 90% of people love using social media to flirt since it’s easier than doing it in real life.
Even more messed up, 50% admitted that they deliberately wait to answer messages from friends and dates so as not to seem too available. That’s a mind-blowingly high number, especially considering 70% of people experience anxiety knowing that someone else has read their message but still hasn’t responded. What’s up with that?
Perhaps the biggest positive takeaway from the survey is that face-to-face communication is still valuable and something that 90% of people say is vital to connecting with other human beings (and still something that we don’t do nearly enough of since our heads are stuck in our screens 24/7). After all, talking to someone online is fine and all, but if you’re not moving your interactions to the real world, is there really any point?