10 Things You Should Focus On Accomplishing While You’re Single

Being single may seem daunting at first, but it can actually lead to some of the most exciting and productive periods in your life. Here are some things you can work on while you’re rolling solo so you can take full advantage.

  1. Solidifying friendships Friendships have a tendency of falling by the wayside when you’re in a romantic relationship. When you’re single, you realize how crazy that is considering that your friends will be there with you forever while partners come and go. It’s worth the effort to invest in these friendships as much as possible when you have the time. They’re ones who truly matter.
  2. Climbing the ladder in your chosen career If you have no relationship commitments, you have all the time in the world to chase after all those career goals you had to put on hold while you were busy dating. Ask for that promotion you know you deserve or double down on your work ethic. Maybe even look into changing jobs if you’re feeling extra adventurous. With nothing to constrain your time, you can become the boss lady of your dreams.
  3. Becoming comfortable in your own skin Regardless of how you feel about your appearance, everyone could do with a little confidence boost now and then. Being single often leads to some insecurity and anxiety, and it’s worth reminding yourself of your worth. Whether it’s a pair of new shoes, some DIY skincare, or positive daily affirmations in front of the mirror, find whatever makes you feel confident in our own skin and make it a religion.
  4. Developing an idea of who you actually want to be with whenever you’re ready to date again It’s easy to get caught up in the dating game and forget what the actual objective is. You meet someone, there’s a spark, and if it works out, you might end up with that person for months or even years without really understanding what it was that you liked about them in the first place. Now that you’re single, you can actually take the time to decide what you want in a partner so that you can be deliberate about who you date in the future.
  5. Feeling zero guilt for being selfish You’re single and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. You have no obligation to go out or be home at a certain time when your partner gets home from work. You don’t even have to share a bed with anyone. Embrace your freedom and learn to listen to your own needs and desires above everyone else’s. Hopefully, this will carry over into your next relationship and you can find a balance between your own needs and those of your partner instead of being overly accommodating.
  6. Considering all the possibilities for your future Being in a relationship always requires compromise. In a perfect world, you’d both be able to follow your dreams to the letter and stay madly in love, but unfortunately, this is not how the real world works. When you’re single, however, the world is your oyster and you don’t have to make choices based on anyone but yourself. Now is the time to pursue the things you had to put on hold because it didn’t work within your relationship. Move cities, change apartments, get a dog. Dream big, and then make those dreams a reality.
  7. Getting a sweat on While you may gag at the thought of exercise, upping your wellness routine is always a good idea and doesn’t have to be miserable. Try a new fitness class with your friends or sign up for a 5K or a dance class if you’re feeling ambitious. No matter how good or bad you’re feeling, endorphins will vastly improve your way of life.
  8. Traveling on your own Solo travel may seem daunting, but there’s no time like the present to get out of your comfort zone, especially when you have complete freedom. Traveling alone will help you discover things about yourself that you never dreamed existed, not to mention introduce you to new places and people that might become integral to the rest of your life. Whether you go on a road trip to a new town or take a flight to a new continent, the benefits of taking a leap into the unknown will pay off for years to come.
  9. Making new friends Relationships often lead to a kind of social stagnation. You and your partner have a set circle of friends and you stick within this comfortable bubble and avoid situations with total strangers. But being single is all about getting comfortable with newness, and maybe you’re ready for a new social group too.
  10. Finding something you’re passionate about that has nothing to do with romance There’s nothing like falling in love, but “love” doesn’t have to be limited to other people. Instead of rushing into a new relationship to try to find the excitement that you’re craving, why not pursue something that can last a lifetime? Become a wine connoisseur or take up rock climbing. Seriously, there’s no limit to the number of things you could fall in love with. Before you know it, you’ll be turning down picture-perfect relationships so you’ll have more time to pursue your real passions.
Rose Nolan is a writer and editor from Austin, TX who focuses on all things female and fabulous. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Theater from the University of Surrey and a Master's Degree in Law from the University of Law. She’s been writing professional since 2015 and, in addition to her work for Bolde, she’s also written for Ranker and Mashed. She's published articles on topics ranging from travel, higher education, women's lifestyle, law, food, celebrities, and more.