13 Signs You’re Going To Be Rich & Successful

13 Signs You’re Going To Be Rich & Successful

We all fantasize about becoming successful, but not everyone actually works toward that goal. That’s why some of us end up living out our dreams while others end up living out of their parents’ basements. Not sure which path you’re on? Here are a few signs riches are in your future:

  1. You won’t let love get in your way. You can’t let a man get in between you and your dreams. If he wants you to quit your job or stop following your passion, a breakup is in order. The right man will support your career choices.
  2. You know how to network. Networking is important in pretty much every career field that you’ll find, which means you have to be play nice. You never know what others can do for you, which is why you should be sweet to everyone you meet.
  3. You honestly love what you do. If you’re passionate about your work, you won’t even realize how many hours you’ve spent on it. The work day will be over before you know it. That’s a recipe for success.
  4. You can handle stressful situations. If you break down at the first sign of stress, you won’t reach success. Life isn’t easy, no matter what your goals are. That’s why you need to learn coping methods for dealing with your stress, so that you’ll be able to survive your toughest days.
  5. You won’t shy away from new experiences. You don’t want to be a big fish in a small pond. You need to try new things and visit new places if you want to grow.
  6. You’re optimistic, even when it’s hard to be. If you think you can reach your goals, there’s a higher chance that you actually will. Positivity is magical.
  7. You learn from your failures. If you give up, you’re never going to get anywhere. You can’t let your failures push you to switch career paths. Use them as educational tools instead.
  8. You eliminate electronic distractions. When you have work to get done, you can’t take breaks to SnapChat your friends. You need to have all of your focus on the task at hand.
  9. You act your age. You shouldn’t be out getting drunk if you have work the next morning. You shouldn’t be uploading inappropriate pictures to Instagram, either. Think before you make a move that could impact your career.
  10. You know how to budget your money. Making millions is one thing. Keeping those millions is another. If you don’t know how to budget your money, you’re going to lose it all as quickly as you earn it.
  11. You have daily goals. When you wake up in the morning, you should have a plan for the day. The smallest tasks can add up, so make sure every day is a productive one.
  12. You think beyond the short-term. You shouldn’t be afraid to create big goals for yourself. It’s not cocky. It’s motivational.
  13. You wake up before the sun rises. You need to make the most of the hours in a day. If you sleep in until noon, you’re wasting precious time that could be spent advancing your career.
Holly Riordan is a writer from Long Island, New York who has authored several science fiction and horror books. A graduate of Stony Brook University, she has spent nearly a decade writing for publications including Thought Catalog, Huffington Post, Teen Vogue, and more. You can find her on Instagram @hollyrio and Twitter @hollyyrio.