13 Things Disciplined People Don’t Do (That Most People Do)

13 Things Disciplined People Don’t Do (That Most People Do)

Being disciplined isn’t about being perfect or living a restrictive life; it’s about knowing what not to do. It’s the things disciplined people avoid that often set them apart from the crowd. They don’t waste time on habits or mindsets that derail their progress. You’d never catch them doing any of the following things — they know better!

1. They Don’t Get Lured by the “Snooze” Trap.

Turning off an alarm clock

Disciplined people know that the snooze button is a seductive liar. It promises sweetness but delivers grogginess and a rushed morning. They resist its siren call, understanding that how they start their day sets the tone for the entire day. Waking up with the first alarm is their non-negotiable pact with success. They recognize that those extra minutes of sleep are less refreshing and actually fragment their morning routine. By defying the temptation of the snooze, they maintain a rhythm that keeps them alert and prepared for the day.

2. They Don’t Skip Breakfast (or at Least a Morning Coffee).

While many skip the morning meal, disciplined people treat breakfast like the worthwhile ritual it is. It’s not about a lavish spread every morning, but about consistent, nourishing fuel for the day’s tasks. For them, skipping breakfast is like a car trying to run without gas – a surefire way to a breakdown. They understand that a healthy breakfast kick-starts their metabolism and primes their brain for peak performance. It’s not just about physical health; it’s about setting a pattern of care and attention that extends to all areas of their lives.

3. They Avoid the ‘Health Last’ Mentality.

The disciplined elite don’t put their health on the back burner. They see regular exercise, quality sleep, and balanced nutrition as non-negotiables, not luxuries. Ignoring health for them is akin to ignoring the foundation of a building – without it, everything else crumbles. They know that neglecting physical well-being can lead to decreased energy, productivity, and overall life satisfaction. Keeping fit and healthy is seen as essential to maintaining the stamina and focus required for achieving their goals. (If this is something you struggle with, especially when it comes to prioritizing your mental and emotional health in the dating world, you need to check out our sister site, Sweetn. Their tips and tricks are backed by research and will help you totally overhaul your love life in some amazing ways. You can visit them here.)

4. They Don’t Fall into the Social Media Sinkhole.

In a world where scrolling can become a time-consuming vortex, disciplined people set boundaries. They use social media like a tool, not a time thief. They know that each minute lost in the digital maze is a minute they can’t get back. This disciplined approach to social media means they allocate specific times for its use, avoiding its potential to disrupt work and personal life. They understand that while social media can be a powerful tool for connection and information, it can also be a major distraction.

5. They Dodge the Procrastination Bullet.

‘Later’ is a word that disciplined people have almost erased from their dictionaries. They tackle tasks head-on, avoiding the snowball effect of procrastination. For them, delaying tasks is like willingly walking into quicksand – the more you delay, the harder it gets. They understand that procrastination not only puts off the task but also adds an unnecessary burden of stress and guilt. By addressing tasks immediately, they maintain control over their workload and avoid the anxiety that comes with looming, uncompleted tasks.

6. They Evade the ‘Stagnation Zone’.

Complacency is the silent enemy the disciplined always keep at bay. They’re continuously learning, growing, and pushing boundaries. To them, being stagnant is akin to moving backward, as the world doesn’t pause for anyone. This means they’re always seeking new challenges and opportunities to expand their horizons. They view continuous learning not just as a way to stay ahead, but as a fundamental aspect of a fulfilling life.

7. They Refuse to Engage in Self-Sabotage Speak.

Negative self-talk is a no-go zone for disciplined minds. They understand the power of words and keep their internal dialogue constructive and empowering. Demeaning oneself, for them, is like poisoning the well from which they draw their strength. They focus on positive affirmations and realistic self-assessments to foster a mindset conducive to success. This disciplined approach to self-talk helps them maintain resilience and confidence, even in the face of challenges.

8. They Don’t Shy Away from Tough Conversations.

Difficult dialogues are not something disciplined people dodge. They face them head-on, understanding that avoidance only leads to larger problems. They approach these talks with honesty and true integrity, knowing that this is the fabric of strong relationships and successful outcomes. They see these conversations as necessary for growth, both personally and professionally, and as opportunities to clear the air and move forward with more understanding.

9. They Aren’t Trapped by Overcommitment.

man working at desk from above

Saying ‘yes’ to everything is a trap disciplined people avoid. They know their limits and set boundaries to maintain focus and quality in their commitments. Overextending for them is like trying to fill multiple cups with a single pitcher – eventually, everything runs dry. They understand the importance of giving each task or commitment the attention and effort it deserves, which sometimes means saying no to additional responsibilities.

10. They Don’t Play the Blame Game.

Caucasian woman assistant talking and discussing work to businesswoman.

Excuses and blame-shifting are not part of their repertoire. Disciplined people take responsibility for their actions and their outcomes. When things go south, they look inward for lessons, not outward for scapegoats. They know that taking responsibility is empowering – it puts them in the driver’s seat of their life. This approach allows them to learn from their mistakes and avoid repeating them in the future.

11. They Don’t Neglect Their Finances.

Financial negligence is not a pitfall disciplined people fall into. They track their spending, invest wisely, and plan for the future. For them, managing money is not about wealth but about responsibility and foresight. They see financial discipline as integral to overall self-discipline, understanding that money management impacts many aspects of life, from stress levels to future security.

12. They Don’t Let Failures Define Them.

Sad unhappy handsome man sitting on the sofa

Disciplined people understand that failure is part of the journey, not the end of the road. They don’t wallow in self-pity or let a setback define their capabilities or worth. Instead, they analyze what went wrong, learn from it, and move forward with renewed focus. They have exceptional mental strength. They see failures as stepping stones, not stumbling blocks. This mindset allows them to bounce back stronger and more informed. They don’t allow the fear of failure to paralyze them; rather, they use it as fuel to improve and innovate.

13. They Don’t Neglect Short-Term Sacrifices for Long-Term Gains.

Disciplined people are masters at playing the long game. They don’t give in to short-term temptations that derail long-term goals. Whether it’s skipping a night out to work on a project or saving money instead of making an impulsive purchase, they keep their eyes on the prize. They understand that real progress often requires sacrifices and that these sacrifices are worth it in the end. This foresight helps them achieve sustained success and fulfillment, as they’re able to delay gratification for greater rewards down the line.

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Gail is Bolde's social media and partnership manager, as well as an all-around behind-the-scenes renaissance woman. She worked for more than 25 years in her city's local government before making the switch to women's lifestyle and relationship sites, initially at HelloGiggles before making the switch to Bolde.