People With True Integrity Have These 17 Important Qualities

Integrity is a timeless quality that speaks volumes about a person’s character. Those who possess true it are often seen as beacons of trustworthiness, honesty, and moral fortitude. In a world where values can sometimes seem blurry, these individuals stand out for their unwavering commitment to doing what’s right. So, do you have it? Read on for 17 important qualities that define people with true integrity (as well as how to become a person of integrity if you don’t quite feel you’re there yet).

1. Honesty

couple on date sitting on stairs

When you think of integrity, honesty often tops the list. It’s not just about telling the truth, but about being genuine in every interaction. Someone with integrity doesn’t lie or exaggerate to make things seem better than they are. They’re transparent, even when the truth might be uncomfortable or put them in a difficult spot. Their word is dependable, and that consistency builds trust with those around them.

2. Authenticity

three colleagues walking in office

Authenticity is one of those qualities that’s truly cherished by people with true integrity. They’re unapologetically themselves, not swayed by trends or the opinions of the masses. They have a deep sense of self-awareness and are comfortable in their own skin, which means they don’t need to put up facades or hide their true feelings. Their genuine nature is refreshing in a world where pretense is all too common.

3. Gratitude

Being thankful isn’t just about uttering “thank you” now and then. For people with integrity, gratitude is a mindset. They appreciate the big and small things in life, recognizing the role each plays in their journey. This acknowledgment creates a positive outlook, helping them focus on the good even during challenging times. It’s not about blind optimism but about understanding the value in every experience and cherishing the lessons and moments that shape their lives. (Side note: If you’re struggling to feel grateful for your love life because it’s that disastrous, you might want to visit our sister site, Sweetn. They’re all about helping you use your own mind to overhaul your love life in the most amazing ways. Check them out here.)

4. Accountability

Portrait of freelancer standing in co-working space. Confident businesswoman looking at camera.

Taking responsibility is a hallmark of someone with integrity. When they make a mistake, they don’t pass the blame or make excuses. Instead, they own up to their actions, apologize if necessary, and take steps to make things right. They recognize that they’re human and that everyone slips up from time to time, but what sets them apart is their commitment to learning and growing from those missteps.

5. Empathy

Having empathy means being able to understand and share the feelings of another. People with integrity go beyond just recognizing others’ emotions – they genuinely care about people and show compassion in their actions. They’re often the first to lend a listening ear, offer a shoulder to cry on, or stand up for someone in need. Their ability to connect on a deep emotional level makes them invaluable friends and allies.

6. Transparency

happy couple cuddling up outside

A person with integrity doesn’t hide behind smoke and mirrors. They are transparent in their intentions, actions, and decisions. This means that they communicate openly, sharing their thoughts and feelings, even when it might be uncomfortable. They don’t keep secrets for the sake of political or personal gain, and this kind of openness breeds trust. People around them know where they stand and appreciate the honesty.

7. Compassion

Mid adult couple embracing in the living room at home

Being compassionate is about more than just feeling sorry for someone; it’s about understanding their pain and wanting to help alleviate it. People with integrity exhibit genuine kindness. They’re quick to lend a helping hand, not out of obligation, but out of a sincere desire to make someone’s day a bit better. They recognize the struggles others face and offer support without judgment.

8. Consistency

Smiling young couple holding hands while looking away at olive farm

One of the most recognizable traits of a person with true integrity is consistency in their actions. They aren’t swayed by personal gain or convenience. Whether it’s how they treat others or how they approach their work, you know what to expect from them. Their steadfast nature provides stability and assurance in both personal and professional settings.

9. Humility

smiling black woman walking with headphones and coffee

People with integrity aren’t in it for the applause or accolades. They recognize their own strengths, but also their flaws, and they don’t see themselves as above others. They’re grounded, approachable, and always willing to learn. When they succeed, they remember those who helped them along the way, and when they fail, they take it as an opportunity to grow. They know they’re not the center of the universe and act accordingly.

10. Fairness

Happy girl smiling to the camera

A hallmark of integrity is fairness. People who are fair treat everyone equally, regardless of background, status, or personal bias. They judge situations and people based on facts and not preconceived notions. They believe in giving everyone an equal shot, an equal voice, and an equal opportunity. Fair-minded individuals don’t play favorites or let their personal feelings cloud their judgment; they make decisions that are just and unbiased.

11. Reliability

Two young sporty man and woman exercising in urban park.

If someone with integrity says they’ll do something, they’ll do it. Reliability is about sticking to one’s word and commitments, even when it’s not convenient. Others can depend on them because they’re consistent in their actions and follow through on promises. They don’t back out last minute or leave people hanging. Their consistency establishes a strong foundation of trust with those around them.

12. Patience

In a world of instant gratification, patience stands out as a virtue of those with true integrity. They understand that good things take time and that it’s important to give people and situations the time they deserve. They’re willing to wait for the right moment and resist the urge to rush. This patience applies to how they deal with others as well, offering space and time for people to express themselves, grow, and learn.

13. Open-mindedness

millennial guy with backpack in city

Open-minded people are eager to see the world from multiple perspectives. They resist the urge to judge quickly and are open to understanding different viewpoints, even if they don’t agree. People with true integrity recognize that the world isn’t black and white. By staying curious and receptive, they foster an environment of learning and growth, making them more adaptable and versatile in their interactions and decisions.

14. Generosity

It’s not just about money or gifts; generosity is a broader gesture of the heart. People with integrity are generous with their time, advice, and kindness. They understand the importance of giving back and lending a hand where they can. Their acts of generosity are often selfless, driven by a genuine desire to make a positive difference and uplift others, rather than seeking recognition or something in return.

15. Resilience

Life isn’t always smooth sailing, and those with integrity are often marked by their resilience. They face challenges head-on and bounce back from setbacks. Rather than getting disheartened by failures, they view them as learning opportunities. Their tenacity is not about stubbornness but about a deep-rooted belief in their values and a commitment to stand by them, even in the face of adversity.

16. Adaptability

two friends having coffee outside

Life is always changing, and adaptability is the trait that keeps people with integrity afloat. They understand that rigidity can often lead to unnecessary conflicts and missed opportunities. While they stand firm in their values, they’re flexible in their approach. This means they can adjust to different situations, make informed decisions when faced with challenges, and navigate the unpredictable waters of life while still maintaining their core principles.

17. Self-awareness

Those with true integrity possess a keen sense of self-awareness. They spend time reflecting, understanding their emotions, triggers, strengths, and areas needing improvement. This introspective nature allows them to remain true to themselves, recognize when they might be veering off their path, and make necessary corrections. Their ability to self-reflect ensures that their actions align with their values, leading to authentic interactions and genuine relationships.

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Gail is Bolde's social media and partnership manager, as well as an all-around behind-the-scenes renaissance woman. She worked for more than 25 years in her city's local government before making the switch to women's lifestyle and relationship sites, initially at HelloGiggles before making the switch to Bolde.