Say the word authentic and most people envision someone who is a lively extrovert with as much charisma to fill a room. Others tend to be magnetically drawn to them as they stand out from the crowd. While these things are true, on the surface, there is a deeper perhaps even hidden side to authentic people. Here are 15 lesser-known personality traits of authentic people we tend to overlook.
1. They’re all about self-love
Authentic people have an unwavering love and connection to themselves. They understand that the love they give themselves is the love they receive from others. Their self-love practice goes deeper than simply a self-care routine of bubble baths and face masks but rather is rooted in self-respect and self-awareness. Self-respect gives them the ability to set boundaries and self-awareness helps them understand their needs and desires.
2. They’re committed To Their Dream
Getting clear on a vision and then translating that into a goal with actionable steps is something you will see authentic people doing. They understand the challenges that may present themselves along the way but via their self-trust, they can persevere through. People with authenticity realize that the dream they hold is theirs to fulfill if they want to lead a better life.
3. They’re Dependable
Because their words match their actions, authentic people are known to be very dependable and loyal. Once they give you their word you can undoubtedly rely on them. When they commit to making plans with you on a Friday night they follow through. When texting, authentic people don’t take days to respond but rather show an interest by replying within a few hours. Being dependable also shows up as being honest and caring, because after all, the people in their lives are very important to them.
4. They have an Attitude Of Gratitude
Authentic people are grateful for all they have in their lives and avoid complaining or taking things for granted. They understand that by practicing gratitude for the things, people, and opportunities in their lives more abundance will follow. Showing gratitude can take the form of journaling, expressing how they feel to others, or speaking positive affirmations.
5. They Actively Listen
When conversing with an authentic person you will notice that you have their undivided attention. They’re fully engaged, not distracted by their phone or interrupting you but genuinely listening to your words. You can tell by their attentive body language—eye contact, nodding of the head, and leaning in. Authentic people are interested in what you have to say and want to have a meaningful conversation.
6. They Take Accountability
Taking accountability means owning up to your responsibilities. We’re all human who makes mistakes from time to time or even forget to do something. Authentic people realize this about themselves and give themselves grace through these human-error moments of life.
7. Creativity Ignites Their Passion
Authentic people unleash their passion by engaging in creative activities such as dancing, painting, writing, or cooking. In these moments of creativity, they not only hone in on their self-expression but have fun with their talents in the process. This allows their true authentic self to shine through.
8. They’re compassionate vs. Judgemental
Authentic people are understanding and empathetic which is why they never judge others and instead show compassion. The saying “Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes” is obvious to authentic people as they realize we never fully know what someone else is going through. Compassion extends kindness.
9. They Have Close Friendships
When it comes to friendships that last a lifetime, authentic people choose quality over quantity. They prefer to have a few very close and supportive friendships than a lot of surface-level connections—they want to talk about dreams and goals rather than gossip. The term “best friends forever” was basically coined by the authentic people of the world, as true, lasting friendships make them the happiest.
10. They don’t have People-Pleasing Tendencies
Contrary to popular belief, authentic people do not people-please. Why? Because people-pleasing would cause them to act in ways that aren’t in line with their most authentic selves. They realize that remaining true to themselves will foster genuine connections and their warm demeanor of being friendly, sincere, authentic, and kind makes others want to be around them.
11. They engage in personal Growth Work
Those with an authentic personality have taken the time to work through any personal issues such as bad habits, mental triggers, or a toxic ego. They overcome these challenges through self-reflection, patience, and even the support and guidance of a professional such as a life coach or therapist. Authentic people want to show up as the best version of themselves which is why they’re committed to personal growth work as it enables them to live a good life filled with genuine and meaningful relationships.
12. They’re Sensitive
Being empathetic or showing vulnerability comes naturally to those with an authentic personality. They are attuned to the emotions and moods of others and will often lend a hand or a hug to make someone feel safe and comforted. The compassionate nature of authentic people creates a supportive environment of empathy and kindness and shows that sensitivity is a strength.
13. They’re mindful
Authentic people love the little things in life such as watching the sunrise, sipping coffee with a friend, or reading a good book while curled up on the couch with a house pet. It’s these smaller and slower moments in life they truly enjoy and feel happiest.
14. They live With a Purpose
Discovering your mission in life and then living life accordingly is something authentic people are most committed to. They understand that life is precious and goes by too fast to not fully step into their path and fulfill the mission of why they were placed on this planet.
15. They’re Fun!
This might seem obvious but authentic people are a lot of fun to be around! Whether it’s having a dance party in the living room, adventuring in the forest, or exploring a new city you can be sure they will be right by your side.
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