Ladies have to put up with a lot like sexist jokes, hearing terrible things from other women, unequal pay, and more. But it’s not all bad. There are many reasons why you should be grateful for being a woman. Here are 15 you should remember when you’re feeling down.
- We’re better at multi-tasking. Have a lot of stuff on your plate? Well, if you’re a woman, science says you’re able to switch tasks quickly and multitask better. Researchers believe this is because women have more cognitive control.
- Women tend to live longer. When it comes to natural causes, men are more likely to die first. A study performed at Harvard think this is so women can help raise their children and grandchildren after their child bearing years.
- Going to the movies is less stressful. Some guys feel like they have to put an empty chair between themselves and their friends while watching a movie. Then there are the guys who are self-conscious when they’re watching something emotional. Thankfully, we don’t have to be this way.
- Our period gives us a good excuse to indulge in some cravings. Sure, we have to deal with cramps and gross trips to the bathroom. But when your body tells you that it wants chocolate, then you have to thank your body for having some good taste!
- Being short isn’t a bad thing. Many women have a height requirement on the men they date. Just think if the shoe was on the other foot! Shorter ladies are deemed as cute and no one really blinks an eye.
- We communicate better. Communication is important in all aspects of life, but it looks like only one gender is doing it the right way. Manchester University found that men talk more just for the sake of talking, while women get right to the point. Looks like the stereotype that women are chatterboxes isn’t true!
- Our fashion options let us deal with hotter months better. For things like weddings and work, men are still expected to wear suits and layers. Us, ladies get to enjoy breezy skirt and dresses.
- We know how to give women orgasms. Some of us do use this information in the bedroom with other girls, some of us just use it on ourselves. Either way, we’re just happy we aren’t spending the rest of our lives trying to unlock this big “secret” like some straight men are. We know our bodies and all their complications.
- There are less creepy sexy toy options for us. Men get weird things like flesh lights, which are just strange. Sure, some vibrators out there can be creepy, but usually things branded towards women are cleverly disguised as things like lipstick, which makes our fun times easier.
- We have better memories than men. Some men can be very forgetful, but it’s not their fault they’re not as awesome. Studies have discovered that the hippocampus, the part of the brain that controls memory, shrinks in men as they age. This also leads to men’s memory declining as they get older.
- Women can smell men’s emotions through their sweat. We often complain about not knowing what men are thinking, but on some level, we know what they’re feeling. It’s been proven that ladies pick up on a man’s emotional state through his sweat. So listen to your intuition!
- We make better managers. Women still aren’t receiving equal pay, and female CEOs are few and far between. But the good news is that this isn’t because we can’t do the job. A survey found women engage six percent more with their male employees. Great, now get these ladies a raise!
- Mothers are the reason smart men exist. Sure, fathers pass on their knowledge to their kids, but mothers have a certain edge. Research found intelligence is inherited from mothers to sons through genes in the X chromosome. You’re welcome, world.
- You can enjoy a nice spa day without being mocked. The poor fellas can’t participate in self-care without him getting labeled as metro sexual and other things. But us ladies can chill out and enjoy ourselves without being labeled. It’s not fair, but it’s one less thing to worry about.