15 Signs You’re A Unique Person Who Can’t Be Pigeonholed

15 Signs You’re A Unique Person Who Can’t Be Pigeonholed Shutterstock

There’s just something about you…people can’t put their finger on it. You’re different. You’re super cool. You don’t fit into any of the boxes we make for people. It’s just a certain je ne sais quoi. Here are 15 signs that you are a unique, un pigeonhole-able person.

1. You have a lot of interests.

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You love to read and to cook. You love to go snowboarding and host tea parties. Your “For You Page” algorithm is absolutely all over the place. Even Facebook can’t figure you out. (That’s an anomaly in itself, in this day and age. Go, you.)

2. You know lots of random facts.

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You’ve tried a lot of things. You’ve read a lot. You’ve been to a ton of places. Maybe you’re not an expert on much, but you have a fact to insert on almost any conversation topic. It’s like a party trick, one that makes people enjoy being around you. You’ll always have something to say—be it meaningful, funny, or possibly slightly disturbing…

3. You’re in several friend groups.

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You’re down to get beers with the people from the corn-hole tournaments, but only after dinner with your art society folks. Your phone is constantly chirping with notifications from various group chats. You’re interested in so many things, and can be relatable on some level to so many people, that you find yourself fitting in with many “cliques.”

4. You’ve tried all the things.

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Either you’re very open-minded, or you’re just desperately seeking out your thing. In the digital business world, you hear “find your niche” often. But you could technically fit into lots of niches. You’ve tried most of them, looking for just the right one for you. Either all of them could be for you, or you don’t resonate with any of them.

5. You weren’t a high-school stereotype.

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You were a bit of a punk rocker in wardrobe, but you also played football. You loved soccer, but you also sang in the choir. You made great grades, except in science classes. Or you made lower grades, except in history. You weren’t a “standard” anything. Casting you in a high school drama would prove difficult—you’re hard to typecast!

6. You had a hard time picking your college major.

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You’re interested in so much, how could you pick one interest to pursue for the rest of your life? At only 18? You loved so many things so much! Or you were at least vaguely interested in basically everything. You likely had lots of trouble narrowing down your choices.

7. You probably changed your major (at least once).

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And once you did narrow it down…you changed your mind at some point. You thought marketing might be good, creative work, but you really missed getting in and getting your hands dirty. Maybe agriculture? Or veterinary medicine? It’s a lot of pressure!

8. You may have a hard time forming deep relationships.

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You may connect with people easily, but you might have a hard time relating on a deeper level. Your personality and life experiences don’t seem to mesh with those you would call “typical.” You usually have something to add to a conversation, but not enough to take relationships to the next level. Most people don’t make it past the level of “fringe friend.”

9. Your schedule is full.

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Between all of the varying friend groups and activities…your social calendar is jam-packed (and likely would make no sense to anyone but you). An outsider looking at your calendar might think it was shared between four to five people. Nope, just you and your unique, busy self.

10. Or maybe your schedule is empty.

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You like lots of things and know lots of people, but not enough to fill up a calendar with them. Sure, you like the theatre, but not so much that you’re going to spend four nights a week rehearsing for a community production of Annie. You know lots of people, but hanging out one-on-one with any of them feels awkward—you don’t know them like that. So you keep to yourself, doing things at your own will and pace.

11. You feel “off” in trendy fashion.

woman in messy home

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Objectively speaking, it probably looks great on you. But it just doesn’t fit. (Symbolically, not physically.) It’s not you. Something about blending in with a crowd just doesn’t sit right with you. You’d rather wear what you’re comfortable in regardless of whether or not it’s “on trend!”

12. You enjoy different genres.

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You’re an easy movie date. You’re down for almost anything. Military action? Sure. Cheesy romance? Absolutely. That dystopian movie, “Divergent?” Your life story. You don’t enjoy just one genre of movie, novel, TV, or music. It makes you easy to please, but your streaming “suggested for you pages” are all over the place.

13. You feel like an outsider.

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Even if you don’t always mind, you sometimes feel isolated. Don’t get us wrong, you have tons of friend groups so it feels off you’d be feeling this way. But here’s the thing: When it comes to relationships, quantity isn’t always a substitute for quality. Look for friends who appreciate you for who you are and don’t try to change you.

14. You wonder if you’re missing something.

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The people around you seem to mostly fit into their metaphorical boxes. Of course, no one fits perfectly, but you don’t seem to fit at all. You wonder if something might be wrong with you or if maybe there’s a piece missing that everyone else seems to have.

15. Deep down, you don’t really want to change.

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Yeah, sure. Knowing exactly what you want to do with your life, and being deeply entwined in one friend group might be nice. But you know that sacrificing any of your interests or friend groups to put yourself in any box, would be sacrificing a part of who you are. And deep down, you really like who you are—unique, interesting, and wonderful.

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Beryl Kate is a writer and blogger based in Mississippi. In between potty training as a mom herself, and supporting moms as a doula, she writes articles for Bolde, PsychLove, various Medium publications, and slowly drafts a romance novel.