18 Unique Struggles Empaths Deal With On A Daily Basis

18 Unique Struggles Empaths Deal With On A Daily Basis

Being an empath can be a complex and multifaceted experience. While their deep sensitivity fuels compassion and connection, it can also become overwhelming. From absorbing negative energy to feeling constantly drained, empaths face a set of unique daily challenges. Here’s a closer look at the lesser-known struggles of navigating the world with an empathetic heart.

1. They feel drained in crowds or busy environments.

Big groups, bustling concerts, or even just a crowded grocery store can feel like a tidal wave of emotional input for empaths. They’re bombarded by a multitude of emotions at once – excitement, joy, anxiety, stress – and end up feeling exhausted way earlier than others might. It’s like their sensory system is on high alert, leaving them feeling overwhelmed and in need of quiet time after.

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2. “Why are you so sensitive?” is a constant refrain.

Empaths feel things with incredible depth, and this often gets misunderstood as being overly sensitive, dramatic, or unable to “toughen up.” But for empaths, this intense emotional experience is simply how they’re wired, WebMD notes. Comments like this invalidate their lived experience and can make them feel isolated or abnormal for how they process the world.

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3. They pick up on the smallest shifts in energy.

An empath might be the first to notice if you’re feeling a little bit off, even if you try to hide it. Small changes in tone, body language, or even the way you word things don’t escape their keen emotional radar. This can be amazing for building deep connections, but also overwhelming when they can’t “switch off” this receptivity.

4. They often put other people’s needs before their own.

Feeling everyone else’s emotions so strongly makes empaths natural helpers and incredible listeners. However, this can lead to neglecting their own needs, always prioritizing everyone else’s well-being, and ultimately burning out if they don’t create some space for themselves. The challenge is finding a balance between compassion for others and taking care of themselves.

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5. They’re intensely affected by negativity and conflict.

serious blonde woman sitting on bed

Angry outbursts, tense social dynamics, even harsh news reports – all of it deeply impacts an empath. They don’t just observe or intellectually process this negativity, they feel it in their own bodies, making it hard to shake off or ignore. It’s like they have a harder time filtering out emotional stimuli that would just bounce off a less empathic person.

6. They sometimes struggle to tell their own emotions apart from other people’s.

Being so attuned to those around them, empaths can find it surprisingly difficult to distinguish between “Is this how I feel right now, or am I absorbing the emotional energy of someone else?” This internal confusion can be frustrating, but learning to pause and check in with themselves is key for empaths.

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7. They need a lot of alone time to recharge.

After socializing, being in crowds, or emotionally intense situations, empaths crave quiet and solitude. It’s not about being antisocial, but a necessary way to process all the emotions they’ve absorbed, release that external energy, and center themselves again. Without this recharge time, they can feel emotionally and physically drained.

8. They have a hard time saying “no.”

concerned woman texting at cafe bariStock/GaudiLab

Fear of disappointing others or hurting their feelings can make it excruciating for empaths to set boundaries and say no to requests. They often agree to things they don’t have the energy for, leading to resentment, burnout, and the feeling of being taken advantage of. Learning to prioritize their own well-being is crucial.

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9. They may feel overwhelmed in close relationships.

Empaths crave deep emotional intimacy, MindBodyGreen notes, but it’s a double-edged sword. They feel both the incredible highs and difficult lows intensely in a relationship. Their partner’s bad day strongly impacts their own mood, and any misunderstandings can feel deeply wounding. They need partners who understand their sensitivity.

10. They get emotionally entangled easily.

Offering support to a friend going through a tough time is natural, but empaths can find themselves so emotionally invested that it starts to feel like their issue to carry. This lack of separation between their emotions and those of others is draining, blurring the line between helpful empathy and taking on too much.

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11. They’re targets for emotional manipulators.

pensive young woman sitting in living roomiStock

Empaths often see the potential for good in people and have a deep well of compassion. Unfortunately, this can make them easy prey for manipulators who exploit their willingness to help and their aversion to conflict. It’s essential for empaths to become aware of these dynamics to avoid being taken advantage of.

12. They often feel misunderstood by the world.

In a world that often values toughness, practicality, and emotional detachment, empaths can feel like they don’t quite fit in. Their sensitivity and deep emotional needs aren’t always understood, and their need for quiet recharge time can be mistaken for aloofness or weakness. They crave a world with more acceptance for all types of emotional expression.

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13. They might experience physical symptoms from emotional overload.

Being an empath isn’t just an emotional thing – their bodies feel it too! Unexplained headaches, fatigue, digestive issues, or sudden waves of anxiety can result from soaking up too much emotional energy. Learning techniques to release this absorbed energy is crucial for their physical well-being.

14. They often take on the burdens of those they care about.

Witnessing a loved one’s pain makes the empath feel it acutely, as if they’re carrying the weight of that pain alongside the other person. This blurring of the line between empathy and taking on burdens that aren’t theirs to bear can leave empaths feeling exhausted and emotionally depleted.

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15. They have difficulty watching violent or emotionally distressing movies.


Empaths struggle with media that portrays intense violence, cruelty, or suffering. They don’t simply observe it on screen as a detached viewer, they feel it, making it almost unbearable to watch, even when fictionalized. They may prefer genres that evoke lighter emotions and focus on the good in the world.

16. They sometimes feel they were born into the wrong world.

A world that often feels harsh, insensitive, and overly focused on surface-level interaction can leave empaths feeling alienated or out of place. They crave a deeper way of connecting that many around them seem unaware of, and they may yearn for a world with more genuine empathy.

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17. They need to learn shielding techniques to survive.

Being a walking emotional sponge isn’t a sustainable way to live long-term. Empaths must learn ways to ground themselves, set energetic boundaries, and distinguish external emotions from their own for the sake of their well-being. There are many helpful techniques that can empower empaths to manage their gift.

18. They have incredible gifts hidden beneath the struggle.

While being an empath has its unique challenges, there’s also incredible strength in their sensitivity. Deep intuition, incredible capacity for compassion, and the ability to form truly meaningful connections with others – learning to harness these gifts makes the struggles well worth it. The world needs more heart-centered connections, and empaths are uniquely positioned to offer that.

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Sinitta Weston grew up in Edinburgh but moved to Sydney, Australia to for college and never came back. She works as a chemical engineer during the day and at night, she writes articles about love and relationships. She's her friends' go-to for dating advice (though she struggles to take the same advice herself). Her INFJ personality makes her extra sensitive to others' feelings and this allows her to help people through tough times with ease. Hopefully, her articles can do that for you.