3 Women Charged With Beating And Robbing Man Before Dumping Him From Car

3 Women Charged With Beating And Robbing Man Before Dumping Him From Car

Three women from the Milwaukee area were arrested in Chicago after they allegedly robbed and beat a man in a car before dumping him from the vehicle in the city’s Lincoln Park neighborhood. Felicia Anderson, 31, of Milwaukee; Jasmine Ross, 30, of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin; and Anesha Robinson, 30, of Milwaukee were all arrested and charged with aggravated battery causing great bodily harm, but getting them in cuffs wasn’t a straightforward process.

  1. Police saw the crime in progress. Officers saw the man being beaten in the vehicle at roughly 3:25 a.m. on North Sedgwick St. and were trying to pull the driver over. Unfortunately, they lost sight of the car and the next thing they knew, the man in question had been tossed from the car and the women were nowhere in sight.
  2. The women were eventually tracked down. After putting out a flash message over the air, the officers eventually tracked down the car on West North Avenue near Sheffield Avenue and pulled it over, CBS 2 reports. They soon discovered that the man had been robbed as well as beaten.
  3. The man in question had to go to the hospital. The 24-year-old victim was taken to Illinois Masonic Medical Center where he was treated for injuries to his face, though it’s unclear whether these were serious or minor.
  4. It’s unclear what led to the assault and robbery. It hasn’t been reported whether or not the women knew the man in question or if anything predicated the incident. Either way, it’s good that they’ll face justice for what they’ve done.
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