Owning This One Item Will Kill Your Sex Life, Study Says

Sex in long-term relationships is constantly changing. You go from wanting to jump each other’s bones every five seconds to a more comfortable pace. Sometimes there are dry spells due to stress, work, or other life circumstances, but most couples that stay together long-term know that making time for sex is paramount to keeping a relationship strong and healthy. Unfortunately, there’s one item in your bedroom that may be throwing a wrench in the works and ruining your sex life: your TV.

A study out of the University of Delaware revealed that couples who own a TV are 6% less likely to be having sex in a given week than those who don’t. The study looked at the sex lives of roughly four million people from more than 80 countries and discovered that those who sat down in front of the TV at the end of the day were less likely to have healthy sex lives compared to those who didn’t own televisions.

Sure, 6% doesn’t sound like a significant loss, but that also doesn’t take into account smartphone usage, which the researchers didn’t study but feel are even more responsible for standing in the way of physical intimacy with our partners. It all comes down to what researchers describe as a “willingness to substitute electronic companionship for human companionship.”

Of course, chilling out with an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and a pizza after a long day at work doesn’t mean you’ll never get laid again, but it does signify a certain level of distraction that keeps us from enjoying true closeness with the people we love most. If nothing else, maybe statistics like this will encourage us to be a little more aware of how we’re spending our time and help us use it a little better.

Probably not, though, right? Sigh.

Bolde has been a source of dating and relationship advice for single women around the world since 2014. We combine scientific data, experiential wisdom, and personal anecdotes to provide help and encouragement to those frustrated by the journey to find love. Follow us on Instagram @bolde_media or on Facebook @BoldeMedia