Giant Hawk Wasp Carries Off Huntsman Spider In Australia, Giving Us Yet Another Reason To Never Go There

I don’t consider myself a particularly squeamish person, but I wouldn’t say I’m particularly thrilled about spiders and other insects. I’m especially terrified of much of Australia’s wildlife since it seems to be the same stuff the rest of the world has except gigantic/horrifying. Need more proof? Look no further than a giant tarantula hawk wasp carrying away a huge Huntsman spider.

  1. Who even knew a tarantula hawk wasp was a thing? The name alone basically combines three terrifying creatures into one, so that should tell you all you need to know about it. Huntsman spiders are huge, sure, but they’re generally harmless and aren’t too skittery, so I’ll cut them some slack.
  2. Tarantula hawk wasps have the world’s most painful sting. If you happen to get stung by one, the pain may only last for five minutes but it’s bad enough that you’ll probably wish you were dead. In fact, the advice you’d get from a medical professional is to lay on the ground and scream it out, according to Unilad. Yes, seriously.
  3. The photo was taken in Sydney. Reddit user space_monster posted the photo earlier this month, revealing that he saw the wasp carting off the spider, presumably for his evening meal, when OP got home from work. He didn’t seem particularly freaked out about it, which makes me wonder if this is a common sight for him. I shudder to think!
  4. Everyone knew this took place in Australia before they even read the caption. Because where else in the world would you see a gigantic wasp big and strong enough to carry off a pretty sizeable spider? Nowhere but Australia!
  5. I’d love to head Down Under but stuff like this puts me off. Obviously I’m not ridiculous enough to avoid going to an entire country because there are some creepy crawlies hanging about, but it does give me pause. Of course, there’s so much beauty there and some cute animals too (quokkas, anyone?) so I think I can overcome my fear, but I pray to God even though I’m an atheist that I never have to witness such a scene.

got home from work to find this Tarantula Hawk wasp carting off a huntsman spider (Sydney, Australia) from r/pics

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