10 Signs He’s Worth Keeping Around Long-Term

Finding a good guy in the dating market can be like finding a needle in a haystack. However, if you’re lucky, sometimes you find a guy who is everything you hoped for and more. He’s almost too good to be true, so much so that you can’t stop wondering if he’s for real or just putting on a show to impress you. Keep your eyes out for these signs that he’s worth keeping around.

  1. He remembers the little and important things. A guy who truly cares about you will take note of the little things and use them to make you happy. It could be something as simple as buying you lunch from the little place on the corner you told him you loved. He’ll remember important things like boundaries, stuff you’re allergic to, and events like anniversaries, birthdays, or that presentation you’ve been preparing for weeks.
  2. He makes you feel special every day. If he does things to show you how much he cares about you and how special you are to him, he’s definitely a keeper. He’ll take you on memorable dates, introduce you to his friends and family, cook for you, take care of you when you’re sick, shower you with compliments, cancel other appointments to spend time with you, and do his best to make you happy because your happiness makes him happy too.
  3. He willingly apologizes and admits his faults easily. It’s hard to find people who know how to apologize and do it well without being pushed to do so. A guy who’s a keeper doesn’t wait for you to point out his mistakes. He takes responsibility for his actions and offers a sincere apology. He makes conscious efforts to rectify his actions and make amends. He learns from his mistakes and never repeats them.
  4. He isn’t afraid to be vulnerable around you. A man who’s a keeper won’t be about that toxic masculinity and playing games lifestyle. He’s going to be straight and real with you because he’s serious about you and has good intentions for you. He’ll try to become closer to you, not create distance. He’ll open up to you and let you into his life and mind. He’ll check in on you regularly, text first, and boldly proclaim how much he misses you and enjoys being around you.
  5. He’s always kind and gentle with you no matter what happens. Does he remain patient and kind with you even when you’re fighting or he’s in a foul mood? Does he take the time to reassure you of your place and importance in his life? Does he know how to put a smile on your face when you’re in a dark place or going through hard times? Yes? Congratulations, you’ve got a keeper.
  6. He accepts the ugly parts of you. You’re not perfect but he knows that and doesn’t expect you to be. He accepts every part of you, flaws and all, even the parts that you find hard to accept or love. He doesn’t judge you for the poor choices you’ve made. He’s willing to make changes to make your life more comfortable. When challenges come, he doesn’t cower or run away. Instead, he faces them head-on with you.
  7. He shows up for you in good and bad times. When you find a man that’s reliable and happy to stand by you through thick and thin, hold on to him. A lot of men are fickle and will disappear at the first sign of trouble. You need a guy who’s going to constantly show up for you no matter how difficult things get. A guy who’s willing to sit down, talk about your problems, and come up with solutions because he sees them as his problems too.
  8. He listens to you and values your opinions. You don’t have to agree on everything, but you need to be able to freely exchange ideas with the guy you’re seeing. He shouldn’t try to belittle your views. You should be able to talk to him about anything because you know he’ll keep an open mind and listen to what you have to say. Even though he doesn’t find your job interesting, he’s still enjoys hearing you talk about it and tries to assist you in whatever way he can.
  9. He makes an effort to vibe with your friends and family. A smart and serious guy knows that your friends and family are important to you. He knows that being with you means dealing with your friends and family and all their drama, so he’ll try to build a good relationship with them. He’ll do his best to make them like him and to like them as well. He’ll ask them questions, hold conversations, and take a genuine interest in their lives
  10. He encourages and supports your dreams. If he’s a keeper, he won’t be intimidated by your ambitions or success. He’ll be happy when something great happens to you and not jealous. He’ll constantly push you to be the best version of yourself. He sees and respects you as an equal in every way. He understands that your career will take priority sometimes and that it’s no less important than his. You’ll feel fully supported in your personal and professional life.
A girl preoccupied with living her best life even when it's uncomfortable to do so. She spends a lot of time with her thoughts. She hopes you enjoy reading the results of those thoughts.