Police Arrest Florida Man For Having Sex With Miniature Horse On Multiple Occasions

Police Arrest Florida Man For Having Sex With Miniature Horse On Multiple Occasions Marion County Sheriff's Office

You know a story is going to be good (or at least extremely disturbing) when you see Florida in the title, and this one is no exception. A 21-year-old Florida man was arrested for having sex with a miniature pony on multiple occasions, which seems like just another day in the southernmost state. Nicholas Anthony Sardo was arrested for his proclivities and charged with four counts of bestiality/sexual contact with an animal.

  1. Someone actually watched him do this. That’s how he got caught – the witness reported Sardo to the police, saying they’d seen him forcing himself on the animal on a family member’s property, according to local news affiliate WTFS. The horse, a male named Jackie G, was probably traumatized, poor thing!
  2. Sardo actually admitted to his crime. There was an additional witness who corroborated the first witness’s story, saying that they too watched Sardo having sex with the horse and confronted him about it, at which point he admitted it immediately. He wasn’t shy about coming clean to police either, telling an investigative detective what he’d been up to without a second thought.
  3. He’d done it multiple times. While talking to detectives, Nicholas Anthony Sardo admitted that he hadn’t just done it with the horse once but a whopping four times that same week. However, safety was always in the back of his mind, and “he used a condom each time because he didn’t want to get a disease from the horse.” Uh huh.
  4. Yes, he knew what he was doing was wrong. Sardo told police that “he was a sick man” and that he knew his actions were wrong. However, he offered no further explanation for what led him to do this. He was taken to a Marion County prison to answer four misdemeanor charges, to which he later pleaded not guilty. Needless to say, he’s a very disturbed man.
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