Things Workaholics Are Sick Of Hearing

While everyone else is out having fun, I’m usually working. It’s not the long hours or Fridays that somehow flow right into Monday that I mind — it’s all the people who don’t seem to get it. Working hard now means more time for fun later. Besides, I happen to enjoy my job. I, along with other workaholics, are sick of hearing the same annoying comments every time we say “no” to going out.

  1. “Take a break already.” Could you take a break from telling me that? I do take breaks. They’re called food and sleep. Want to hang out? Meet me for lunch or wait until my day off.
  2. “Don’t you miss having fun?” Nope, not at all. I like knowing that I’m already past entry level and well on my way to a wildly successful career. Besides, work’s more fun than you might think when you’re doing what you love, at least most of the time. Don’t worry, I haven’t abandoned you. Don’t you work too?
  3. “It’s just a job.” I’m not going to apologize for working hard on my career. Yes, I have this incredible thing called a career, not just a random job. I knew what I wanted and went after it. Don’t be so insulting as to call what I do “just a job.”
  4. “Work isn’t all that important.” No? So why are you always asking me for money? Work is important. It’s that necessary thing that helps you pay bills, have a home, and actually do stuff. I’m glad you’re so busy with the fun stuff that you can put off being an adult for now.
  5. “No wonder you’re single.” My work has nothing to do with my love life. A real man isn’t going to mind that I work a lot. He’ll be supportive and encourage me as I pursue the career of my dreams. What can I say? I have better things to do than chase guys all the time.
  6. “At least you’ve got a ton of cash.” I wish. Long hours and days don’t always equal a massive bank account. Sure, it’s not bad, but all the hard work now means more pay for fewer hours later. Of course, I’m also thinking about early retirement, so I’ll be lounging on a beach while you’re still grinding away at your job.
  7. “Why don’t you do something else?” Haven’t we already been through this? I’m doing what I want. Sometimes you have to work a little harder to get where you want in life. I’d love a fairy godmother to just wave her magic wand and poof, I’m CEO of my own multi-billion dollar company.
  8. “Just lay out for the day.” Do you know how many other people would love to replace me? Yes, there are others out there willing to put in the time and effort to create a real career for themselves. I’m not about to sacrifice all my hard work just to lay out and spend the day listening to you bitch about your latest hookup.
  9. “I don’t have to work that much.” I’m glad. Honestly, I am. I won’t always have to work this much either. Odds are, you’re not laser focused on moving up, networking and eventually creating your own business. Guess what — that’s why I work so much.
  10. “We wish you could come, too.” Thanks. I appreciate it. I’m still not coming because I already told you I’m working. Did you ever bother to ask me when I’m off? No. Maybe if you cared, try planning something for when I’m available.
  11. “You didn’t used to be so boring.” I know you think me being so busy with work makes me boring, but it’s important to me, so back off. It’s not like I’m doing a bunch of different things just so I look busy. No, I’m actually busy doing the whole grown up thing. If that bores you, tough crap.
  12. “What’s the point?” What’s the point of you asking me this yet again? The point is a career that’ll ensure I always have a job. It means retiring a decade or more before you. It’s enjoying the success I’ve dreamed of since I was five. Yes, I planned my career instead of a wedding.
  13. “You missed out on a great party.” Yeah, I’m so sorry. Yes, that was sarcasm. I’d much rather work or spend a few hours relaxing than be stuffed in a room with a bunch of sweaty people who’re trying to pretend they’re perfect just to get laid. Yeah, I’m good.
  14. “Why do you look so tired?” Because someone keeps texting me the moment I fall asleep to ask me stupid questions. No, I’m not coming to pick your ass up at 3 AM because you lost your keys at the bar. I just worked 60 hours this week. I’m tired, so leave me alone.
  15. “I’d never work that hard.” Good for you. When you’re bitching about having the same dead end job 20 years from now, I’ll remind you about this. See, hard work pays off. I’m working now for my big payoff just a few short years from now.
Crystal Crowder is a freelance writer and blogger. She's a tech geek at heart, but loves telling it like it is when it comes to love, beauty and style. She's enjoys writing music, poetry and fiction and curling up with a great book. You can find her on Twitter @ccrowderwrites or check out her other writing on Medium.