11 Signs You’ve Mastered The Art Of Being Alone In Life

11 Signs You’ve Mastered The Art Of Being Alone In Life iStock

The world likes to make you feel like you’re some kind of freak if you’re not constantly socializing, but that’s obviously not the case, and you know it. In fact, you not only are unfazed by solo time, you actually relish it because you realize just how important and rejuvenating it can be. Here’s how you know you’re good at being alone — be proud of yourself because not everyone has this skill!

1. You relish alone time instead of dreading it.

You don’t have a meltdown when you realize you have no plans at all this coming weekend. In fact, you celebrate it. You can’t wait to just have some quiet time to think, chill, and not have to interact with any other human beings for an extended period of time. Who wouldn’t appreciate that gift?

2. You’re never at a loss for what to do with your free time.

You know you’ve mastered the art of being alone when you know exactly how to make the most of your free time. That doesn’t mean that every single second you’re on your own is packed to the brim with activities, but rather that you have plenty of hobbies and pastimes and you also enjoy chillin’ like a villain with some Netflix and Uber Eats from time to time. You’re not intimidated by these stretches, nor do you get bored. Oh yeah, you’re good.

3. You still have a healthy social life.

Just because you’re great at being alone doesn’t mean you are 24/7. You’ve managed to strike an amazing balance between having plenty of occasions to indulge in self-care and QT with yourself and having some fun time with your closest friends and family. You go out and do things plenty of times. Maybe you even host dinner parties or movie nights at your place on occasion. Loving solo time doesn’t mean you don’t also value time with other people.

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5. You’re completely comfortable in your own skin/with your own company.

Some people lose their minds when they’re alone because they don’t like themselves all that much. Or, maybe they’ve literally been surrounded by people all their lives, so when they’re not, they freak out because they don’t have an up close and personal relationship with themselves. Sucks to be them! You not only feel great about who you are, you actually like that person and have a lot of fun spending time with them. Score!

6. There’s nothing you love more than sleeping spread-eagle in bed.

Crying about not having a partner to cuddle with when it’s cold outside and you could use a little extra body heat? Nope, no thanks. You prefer being able to spread out in bed, not have someone hogging the covers, and actually being able to breathe without someone hanging all over you while you’re trying to get some shut-eye. Being alone is kind of the best, don’t you think?

7. You don’t feel awkward going out to eat or grabbing a drink solo.

I literally had a friend who was horrified that I took myself out to lunch at Gramercy Tavern all on my own. She was like, “OMG, didn’t you feel awkward? Wasn’t it weird?” Girl, no. I walked in like a boss, asked for a table for one, and enjoyed my meal in peace. I also got to do some intense people-watching, which is one of my favorite activities, so it was a pretty great afternoon out. If you can confidently grab a drink at your local or take yourself to a restaurant solo without wanting to die, congrats — you’re the master of being alone.

8. You love traveling solo.

Friendmoons are fun and traveling with a romantic partner can be really great, but traveling solo is peak. Think about it: You get to do whatever you want, whenever you want. You choose where you eat and when, you pick all the activities you do, and you’re not bound to anyone else’s preferences or dislikes. It’s basically the best thing ever. People who are good at being alone are happy to travel with other people but they always make sure to plan at least a weekend getaway for themselves every once in a while too.

9. You don’t spend all your time on your phone.

I mean, we all spend a ton of time on our phones, but a lot of people do this when no one else is around because they don’t like being alone. If you have other things to fill your time with and don’t feel like you need to mindlessly scroll through social media or play Candy Crush for hours to distract from the fact that you’re not with other people, consider yourself pretty awesome.

10. Connecting with nature makes you feel at peace.

People who are great at being alone tend to really love taking solo walks in nature. There’s something really relaxing and fulfilling to take a stroll around the neighborhood or at your local park in the morning, taking in some fresh air, maybe listening to some Maggie Rogers on your AirPods, and just enjoying a slower moment in life. It’s rejuvenating.

11. You’d like a relationship but you definitely don’t need one.

Just because you’re good at being alone doesn’t mean you’re anti-love and relationships. You might even go on dates once in a while, you just don’t feel like you need a romantic partner in order to feel good about yourself and your life. You have an amazing life already, all on your own, so anyone you allow into it will be the cherry on top rather than the whole sundae.

12. You might be alone, but you’re not lonely.

There’s a massive distinction between the two. You’re not isolated and lonely — you’re just perfectly happy being solo from time to time, and that’s pretty amazing. In a world that makes you feel like some kind of weirdo for doing your own thing and being okay with that, you’re like, “Nah, I’m good.” Look at you go!

Jennifer Still is a writer and editor with more than 10 years of experience. The managing editor of Bolde, she has bylines in Vanity Fair, Business Insider, The New York Times, Glamour, Bon Appetit, and many more. You can follow her on Twitter @jenniferlstill