10 Signs You’re A Better Person Than You Were 5 Years Ago

10 Signs You’re A Better Person Than You Were 5 Years Ago

Sometimes personal growth can be hard to recognize, especially since it’s happening in real-time in ways that aren’t always obvious. However, if you relate to any of the following things, you can pretty much guarantee that you’re a better person today than you were five years ago — and that evolution is only going to continue!

1. You No Longer Sweat the Small Stuff.

Remember when a canceled plan or a bad hair day could ruin your entire week? If these little things now roll off your back, congratulations, you’re officially more chill than your past self. It’s a sign of maturity when the small stuff feels just that – small. You’ve learned that a spilled coffee isn’t the end of the world (it’s just a reason to buy a new shirt). This newfound calmness is not just good for your mental health, but it’s also probably making you more pleasant to be around. No more drama over who forgot to replace the toilet roll – now you just replace it and move on. This ‘big picture’ perspective is a clear indicator that you’ve grown, showing that you can differentiate between minor annoyances and actual problems.

2. You Actually Enjoy Learning New Things.

If the idea of learning something new now excites you more than it frightens you, that’s growth! Gone are the days when staying in your comfort zone was your default setting. Maybe you’ve picked up a new language, learned how to cook something more complicated than instant noodles, or even tackled a new sport. Whatever it is, this willingness to learn is a sign of an open, evolving mind. It shows that you’re not the same person who said, “I’ll never be able to do that” five years ago. Now, you’re more like, “Well, why the heck not try?” This change in attitude is a huge win. It means you’re not only better at acquiring new skills but also at embracing the journey, with all its ups and downs. You’re doing it all because you’re a better person.

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4. Your Friendship Circle Feels More Genuine.

Take a look at your friend list. If you’ve traded quantity for quality over the years, that’s a huge leap forward. It means you’ve learned the value of genuine connections over superficial ones. You’re no longer interested in being popular; instead, you cherish friends who are there for you, who laugh with you (and sometimes at you, but in a good way). This shift shows you’ve grown to understand yourself and what you truly value in relationships. You’re no longer wasting time on one-sided or toxic friendships. Instead, you’re investing in people who uplift you, who make your life brighter, and who are there for the 2 AM existential crisis calls. It’s a sign of emotional maturity and a better understanding of what it means to be a true friend.

5. You Handle Criticism Like a Pro.

If you now view criticism more as constructive feedback rather than a personal attack, you’ve definitely leveled up in life. Being able to take criticism on the chin and use it to improve yourself is a clear sign of personal growth. It shows you’re more confident in your abilities and self-worth, and you understand that feedback is a part of learning and growing. Gone are the days of sulking or snapping back when someone points out a flaw. Now, you’re more likely to say, “Thanks, I’ll work on that,” and actually mean it. This change not only makes you a better person to work with but also shows you’re committed to self-improvement. It’s a trait that will serve you well in all aspects of life.

6. You’ve Mastered the Art of Saying No.

Saying no used to feel like you were letting the whole world down. Now, if you’re turning down things that don’t align with your values or interests, you’re showing immense personal growth. It means you understand your limits and respect your own time and energy. You no longer feel compelled to say yes to every request, invitation, or favor. This isn’t about being selfish; it’s about being self-aware. It’s a sign that you value your own well-being as much as you value others’. Plus, saying no to things you really don’t want to do frees up more time for the things you love. It’s a win-win. Mastering the art of saying no is not just about setting boundaries; it’s about living a more authentic and fulfilling life.

7. You Don’t Freak Out Over Change Anymore.

Once upon a time, change was like that uninvited guest at a party – unwelcome and anxiety-inducing. But now? You’re more like, “Hey Change, want a drink?” Embracing change is a big sign of personal growth. It shows you’ve learned that change isn’t necessarily a bad thing; it’s just a part of life. Whether it’s moving to a new city, switching careers, or just trying a new hairstyle, you’re more open to the new experiences these changes bring. This adaptability is a clear sign you’ve matured. It means you’re less about clinging to the past and more about looking forward to new adventures. You’ve realized that while change can be scary, it’s also exciting and full of opportunities. This new attitude probably makes life more thrilling and definitely less predictable – and that’s a good thing!

8. Your Emotional Intelligence Has Skyrocketed.

If you now find yourself understanding and managing your emotions better than a few years ago, give yourself a pat on the back. Emotional intelligence is like a superpower in the adult world, and you’re rocking it. You’re better at reading the room, understanding what others might be feeling, and responding appropriately. You’re not the one flying off the handle at the slightest annoyance anymore. Instead, you’ve become the person who can keep a cool head, even when everyone else is losing theirs. This growth in emotional intelligence means you’re more empathetic, better at maintaining relationships, and generally more pleasant to be around. It’s like you’ve gone from emotional kindergarten to graduating with honors in Emotional Maturity University.

9. You’ve Developed a Healthy Relationship With Money.

Gone are the days when your bank account was a source of constant surprise (and not the good kind). If you’re now budgeting, saving, and making informed financial decisions, you’ve definitely leveled up in life. Understanding the value of money and managing it wisely is no small feat. It shows you’ve embraced responsibility and are thinking about the future. You’re not impulse buying every gadget or splurging on every sale. Instead, you’re weighing your purchases, planning for big expenses, and maybe even investing. This newfound financial savviness is a clear indicator of personal growth. It’s not just about being able to afford nicer things; it’s about making smarter choices and setting yourself up for a more secure future.

10. You’ve Stopped Trying to Please Everyone.

If you’ve reached a point where you realize not everyone has to like you, and that’s okay, you’ve hit a personal growth jackpot. It’s a sign you’re more confident in who you are. You understand that pleasing everyone is impossible, and trying to do so is exhausting. You’re no longer bending over backward to fit into molds others set for you. Instead, you’re comfortable in your skin and with your opinions. This doesn’t mean you’ve become indifferent or uncaring about others’ feelings. It simply means you’re not sacrificing your own happiness to meet someone else’s expectations. It’s a healthier way to live, reducing stress and increasing self-esteem. It’s like you’ve freed yourself from the chains of constant approval-seeking.

11. You Can Laugh at Your Own Mistakes.

The ability to laugh at yourself when you goof up is a sign that you’re more comfortable with who you are. It shows that you’ve accepted that being human means being imperfect. You no longer beat yourself up over every little mistake. Instead, you take them in stride, learn from them, and move on, sometimes with a good chuckle. This self-compassion and sense of humor about your own foibles make you more resilient. It’s a sign that you’ve developed a healthy relationship with failure and see it as a stepping stone rather than a roadblock. This change in attitude probably makes life more enjoyable and certainly less stressful. It’s like you’ve discovered the art of turning life’s lemons into a hearty laugh.

Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.