15 Little Phrases That Make You Seem More Cultured

15 Little Phrases That Make You Seem More Cultured

While you’re great just as you are and should never pretend to be anyone you’re not, there are occasions when you really want to impress someone. While there’s a very thin line between cultured and pretentious, using these phrases should keep you firmly in the former camp if you know how to play your cards right.

1. “When I was at the [Museum/Art Gallery]…”

So, next time you’re chatting, try something like, “When I was at the Louvre last year…” It’s a casual way to show off your love for art or history. Maybe you saw the Mona Lisa or some cool modern art piece that stuck with you. It’s not about bragging; it’s about sharing a slice of your experiences. And if you haven’t been to the Louvre, any local museum or gallery will do. It’s all about showing that you have an interest in exploring different aspects of culture and art.

2. “I was reading [Author’s Name] recently…”

Dropping, “I was reading Hemingway recently,” casually into the convo shows you’re into the classics. But hey, it doesn’t have to be Hemingway. It could be any author, really. The trick is to share something you found interesting or thought-provoking about their work. Maybe a quote that stuck with you or a plot twist that blew your mind. It’s a great way to spark an engaging conversation and shows that you enjoy diving into a good book now and then.

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4. “I was listening to [Composer/Musician] the other day…”

Music is a universal language, right? Say, “I was listening to Mozart the other day, and his symphonies just transport you to another era.” Or, if classical isn’t your thing, talk about a jazz musician or a band you love. It shows you have a diverse taste in music and appreciate the classics as well as contemporary tunes. Plus, it might just introduce someone to a new genre or artist they haven’t explored yet.

5. “A fascinating documentary I watched recently was about…”

Documentaries are like windows to the world. Maybe you watched something about the ocean, or space, or a historical figure. Share what fascinated you about it. Like, “I watched a documentary about black holes, and it’s mind-blowing how much we don’t know about the universe.” It’s a great way to show that you’re curious and enjoy learning about different aspects of our world. Plus, it could lead to a really cool discussion about all sorts of topics.

6. “When I tried [Exotic Food/Dish]…”

Food is a great way to connect with people. You could say, “When I tried sushi for the first time in Japan, it was a whole different experience than the local sushi bar.” It’s about sharing the experience and the flavors, the textures, and maybe even the funny story of you figuring out how to use chopsticks. It shows that you’re adventurous with your palate and open to experiencing new cultures through their cuisine.

7. “An interesting article in [Reputable Magazine/Newspaper] mentioned that…”

Referencing a recent article shows you keep up with current affairs or interesting trends. Maybe you read something in ‘The Economist’ or ‘National Geographic’ that sparked your interest. “I read an article in ‘Time’ about renewable energy, and it’s fascinating how technology is evolving,” is a good way to bring it up. It shows you’re informed, and you enjoy expanding your knowledge on a range of subjects.

8. “At the [Concert/Play/Opera] I attended…”

Whether it’s a concert, a play, or an opera, talking about a live performance you attended is always intriguing. “I saw this incredible play at our local theater, and it was so moving,” could be a good start. It’s about the experience, the atmosphere, the emotions that the performance evoked. It shows that you appreciate the arts and enjoy cultural experiences.

9. “I enjoy a good [Wine/Whiskey/Tea] tasting…”

Chatting about a tasting experience is a subtle brag about your refined palate. “I went to a wine tasting in Napa Valley, and it was amazing to learn about the different flavors and textures,” is a way to weave it into conversation. It’s not just about the tasting itself; it’s about the experience, the learning, and maybe even the beautiful vineyard or distillery you visited. It shows you enjoy the finer things in life and are keen on learning more about them.

10. “An intriguing podcast I listened to discussed…”

Mentioning a podcast is a great way to show you’re in tune with current topics and enjoy intellectual discussions. “I listened to this podcast about the history of the Silk Road, and it was fascinating,” could be a conversation starter. It shows you’re curious and like to engage with content that makes you think. Podcasts cover so many topics, so there’s always something interesting to talk about.

11. “I’m quite fond of [Foreign Language Phrase]…”

Throwing in a foreign phrase is a classy way to show off your linguistic skills. “As they say in France, ‘joie de vivre,’ which means a joy for life,” can add a touch of sophistication to your chat. It’s not about showing off, but more about sharing your love for different languages and cultures. It’s a subtle way to show that you’re cultured and worldly.

12. “I recently attended a gallery opening for [Artist’s Name]…”

Mentioning an art gallery opening is a stylish way to show your interest in the art scene. It’s like saying, “I not only appreciate art, but I also actively participate in the community.” Talk about the artist’s style or a particular piece that caught your eye. It’s a great way to demonstrate your support for the arts and your engagement with creative culture.

13. “I have a soft spot for [Foreign Film/Cinema]…”

Discussing foreign films can make any conversation a bit more sophisticated. It’s like you’re saying, “I’m not just into mainstream movies; I explore cinema from around the world.” Share a recent foreign film you watched and what you enjoyed about it – the storyline, cinematography, or cultural nuances. It’s a great way to show off your diverse tastes and open-minded approach to entertainment.

14. “My latest culinary experiment was cooking [Exotic Dish]…”

Talking about cooking an exotic or intricate dish shows off your culinary skills and adventurous spirit in the kitchen. It’s like you’re a chef on a global culinary journey, right in your own kitchen. Mention the ingredients, the process, or even how it turned out. It’s a fun way to share your foodie experiences and maybe exchange some cooking tips and recipes.

15. “I’ve been exploring [Genre] music lately…”

Sharing your exploration of a specific genre of music, especially something a bit niche or unique, can be really intriguing. It could be anything from Afrobeat to jazz to classical symphonies. Discuss an artist or album you’ve discovered and what you find compelling about the genre. It’s a conversation starter that shows your passion for diverse musical landscapes.

16. “I recently took up [New Hobby or Skill]…”

Talking about a new hobby or skill you’re learning not only makes for interesting conversation but also demonstrates your zest for continuous learning and growth. Whether it’s pottery, learning a new language, or even something like astronomy, share your experiences and what inspired you to start. It’s a great way to showcase your curiosity and enthusiasm for trying new things.

Gail is Bolde's social media and partnership manager, as well as an all-around behind-the-scenes renaissance woman. She worked for more than 25 years in her city's local government before making the switch to women's lifestyle and relationship sites, initially at HelloGiggles before making the switch to Bolde.