15 Tiny Habits That Will Make You Luckier Than 99% Of People

15 Tiny Habits That Will Make You Luckier Than 99% Of People

Whether or not you believe in luck, you have to admit that some people just seem to be magnets for great things in life. They don’t have some special genie granting all their wishes — chances are, they just seem to be more fortunate because they do certain things in their everyday lives that encourage this kind of positivity. Here are some little habits to integrate into your life to make yourself much luckier.

1. Start the day with a positive affirmation.

Kick off your morning by telling yourself something positive. It could be as simple as, “Today’s going to be a great day,” or, “I’m capable of handling whatever comes my way.” No, you don’t need to say this aloud in the mirror or leave yourself Post-It notes (though you totally can if you want). Just repeat it in your own head — that’s enough. It gets your mind in the right frame to tackle challenges and seize opportunities. Plus, starting with a positive vibe can attract more good stuff throughout your day.

2. Smile and say hi to people you pass/meet.

woman getting her coffee from barista

A simple smile and a friendly hello can go a long way. When you greet people with a smile, you not only make yourself more approachable but also spread a bit of cheer. This habit can open up opportunities for positive connections. You never know, the person you smile at today might be the one who offers you a great opportunity tomorrow. Smiling is contagious and can set off a chain reaction of good vibes.

3. Take a minute every day to be grateful for what you have.

woman stretching outdoors in sunshine

Spend a few minutes each day reflecting on what you’re grateful for. It could be your family, friends, a roof over your head, or even that awesome cup of coffee you had this morning. Appreciating the little things shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have. This gives you what self-help authors call an “abundance mindset,” which can attract more positivity and so-called “luck” into your life.  (FYI, if you struggle with gratitude because of the state of your love life, visit our sister site, Sweetn. They have some incredible tips, tricks, and advice that will change the game for you.)

4. Try something new, no matter how small.

Cropped portrait of an attractive young woman standing and posing with her bicycle during an enjoyable day out

Stepping out of your comfort zone by trying new things can open up a world of possibilities. It could be something small like getting a blueberry muffin instead of a chocolate one, or something bigger like taking a class in something you’ve always been curious about. This habit keeps life exciting and prevents you from falling into a rut. When you’re open to new experiences, you’re more likely to stumble upon lucky opportunities and meet interesting people.

5. Keep your promises and commitments even when you want to bail.

Boyfriend and girlfriend walking near river on summer day, holding hands, embracing

When you make a promise, do your best to keep it. Whether it’s a work commitment or a casual meet-up with friends, being reliable builds trust and respect. People are more likely to think of you when opportunities arise if they know you’re someone who follows through. This habit strengthens your relationships and reputation, making you a ‘lucky’ go-to person in your network. Being dependable is a superpower in a world full of uncertainties.

6. Listen more, speak less.

Being a good listener can bring more luck your way than you might think. When you listen attentively to what other people have to say, you learn new things, understand different perspectives, and often spot opportunities you might have otherwise missed. People appreciate it when they feel heard and understood, and they’re more likely to help you in return. It just makes sense. Plus, being a good listener helps you develop stronger relationships which could become beneficial down the line. (That’s not why you should do this, I’m just saying, you never know!)

7. Offer to help without expecting anything in return.

Doing something nice for someone without expecting a payback can create a ripple effect of positivity. Whether it’s helping a colleague with a project or helping your friend move to a new apartment that just so happens to be a fifth-floor walkup in a building without an elevator, these acts of kindness don’t go unnoticed. People remember the nice things you do and often return the favor in unexpected ways. This habit of selfless help can open doors and bring “lucky” breaks that wouldn’t have come otherwise. Good deeds tend to circle back around.

8. Keep your space clean and organized.

I know Marie Kondo is a bit of an outdated reference here, but her principles (that she doesn’t even follow herself, I know) kinda make sense. Keeping your living and working areas clean and organized reduces stress and increases efficiency. When your environment is in order, you’re more prepared to welcome new opportunities and tackle challenges. Plus, you never know who you might impress with your neatness. No one is going to feel confident investing time, energy, or opportunities in someone whose life seems to be a literal mess.

9. Document your goals and the progress you’re making on them.

Doing this really ups your chances of success. Plus, it keeps you focused and motivated. When you see your goals on paper, they become more tangible, and it’s easier to take steps toward achieving them. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your goals keeps you on track and open to new possibilities. It’s a practical way to turn your aspirations into reality and feel luckier as you watch your dreams unfold.

10. Latch onto a hobby you’re really passionate about.

Having a hobby that excites you can bring unexpected luck into your life. When you do stuff you love, you radiate positive energy, which attracts similar positivity. (Yes, it’s a bit woo-woo, but it’s true!) Hobbies are not only great stress-busters but also perfect opportunities to meet like-minded people. These connections can open up new paths and opportunities you never would have anticipated. Plus, being passionate about something gives you a vibrant energy that’s hard to ignore.

11. Get some exercise and break a sweat.

Runner couple, street and nature in summer, mountains or countryside in fitness workout, wellness or health. Man, woman and teamwork running on road for training, exercise or self care in sunshine

Regular exercise does wonders for your body and mind. You don’t just want to look hot, you want to keep your mind healthy too. When you’re physically active, you feel more energetic and optimistic, making it easier to seize the day and spot opportunities. Exercise also boosts your confidence, and confident people often find luck coming their way.

12. Offer genuine, meaningful compliments.

Giving sincere compliments can create a positive atmosphere around you. When you make other people feel good, it often comes back to you in one form or another. Compliments can open up conversations, build connections, and sometimes lead to unexpected opportunities. This habit makes you memorable in a good way, and people are more likely to think of you when something lucky comes up. You never know!

13. Stay engaged with and informed about the world around you.

woman using laptop on outdoor steps

Being knowledgeable about current events, trends, and various topics can make you luckier, in a sense. When you’re well-informed, you can join different conversations, understand various viewpoints, and spot trends and opportunities that other people might miss. Staying informed makes you more interesting to talk to and more likely to come across as someone who’s on the ball.

14. Network and connect with people when the opportunity presents itself.

man on laptop and cell phone

Building a wide network of contacts can bring more luck into your life in some pretty obvious ways. When you connect with people from different backgrounds and in different fields, you open yourself up to a whole host of opportunities. Networking isn’t just about professional gain, either — it’s about sharing ideas, learning, and growing. The more people you know, the more likely you are to come across interesting and advantageous situations. Remember, it’s not just about who you know, but also who knows you.

15. Reflect on your experiences.

Taking time to reflect on your past experiences, both good and bad, can make you luckier. Reflection helps you learn from your mistakes and appreciate your successes. This habit enables you to grow and evolve, making you better equipped to grab opportunities when they arise. Reflecting on your journey keeps you grounded and forward-thinking, a combo that tends to attract good fortune.

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Harper Stanley graduated from Eugene Lang College at The New School in NYC in 2006 with a degree in Media Studies and Literature and Critical Analysis. After graduating, she worked as an editorial assistant at The Atlantic before moving to the UK to work for the London Review of Books.

When she's not waxing poetic about literature, she's writing articles about dating, relationships, and other women's lifestyle topics to help make their lives better. While shocking, she really has somehow managed to avoid joining any social media apps — a fact she's slightly smug about.