15 Non-Negotiables in Every Strong and Healthy Relationship

15 Non-Negotiables in Every Strong and Healthy Relationship

We all crave a strong, healthy love, but many of us end up settling due to insecurities or not knowing what to demand from a partner. Here’s the hard truth: without certain foundational elements, relationships crumble. These non-negotiables are your blueprint for a relationship that fuels growth and lasting happiness.

1. Trust (Duh!)

Trust is like the glue that holds a relationship together. It’s the unwavering belief that your partner has your back, no matter what antics life throws your way. Whether it’s trusting them to walk the dog or trusting them with your deepest secrets, trust forms the bedrock of a rock-solid relationship. Without it, you’re screwed.

2. Effective Communication

Communication isn’t just about chatting over coffee or sharing memes; it’s about laying it all out on the table. From discussing weekend plans to navigating life’s curveballs, open and honest communication keeps the relationship ship sailing smoothly. No passive-aggressive post-it notes here!

3. Mutual Respect

happy couple kissing on cheek on beach

Respect isn’t just something Aretha Franklin sang about—it’s the golden rule in any healthy relationship. It’s about valuing your partner’s opinions, boundaries, and quirks, even if you don’t always see eye-to-eye. Remember, treating each other with kindness and consideration never goes out of style.

4. Shared Values

Attractive young couple in love sitting at the cafe table outdoors, drinking coffee

Sure, opposites attract, but shared values keep the spark alive. Whether it’s a mutual love for Sunday brunches or a shared passion for saving the environment, having common ground fosters a deeper connection and a sense of camaraderie. After all, it’s easier to plan date nights when you both agree that pizza is life!

5. Unwavering Support

couple staring each other in the eyes

In a strong relationship, partners are each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Whether it’s celebrating promotions or offering a shoulder to cry on during tough times, having each other’s backs is non-negotiable. Teamwork makes the dream work, as they say, and there’s no “I” in “relationship”!

6. Healthy Space Balance

male and female friends talking in cafe

As much as you love each other, everyone needs a little breathing room now and then. Whether it’s solo hobbies or a girls’ night out, respecting each other’s need for space keeps the relationship fresh and prevents suffocation. Plus, absence really does make the heart grow fonder—just ask any pet owner who’s left their dog for the weekend!

7. Keeping the Laughter Alive

man kissing smiling girlfriend's forehead

Life’s too short to be serious all the time, right? In a strong and healthy relationship, laughter is the secret ingredient. Whether it’s cracking jokes during Netflix marathons or sharing embarrassing childhood stories, keeping the LOLs alive strengthens your bond and reminds you why you fell in love in the first place.

8. Flexibility and Compromise

Cropped shot of a couple enjoying a meal together in the yard at home

Ah, compromise—the art of giving a little to get a little. In any healthy relationship, it’s about meeting halfway, whether it’s deciding on toppings for taco night or planning your next vacation destination. It’s not about keeping score; it’s about finding common ground and making each other happy.

9. Intimacy and Connection

Top view of loving caucasian couple kissing and cuddling, lying in bed. Spouses expressing affection, love and enjoying sensual pleasure. Love and relationships concept

Intimacy isn’t just about physical affection (although that’s important too!); it’s about emotional connection and vulnerability. Whether it’s holding hands during walks or having heart-to-hearts over a bottle of wine, intimacy deepens your bond and keeps the romance alive. Just remember to put down the phone and cuddle!

10. Adventurous Spirit

Young couple in love is enjoying in park after rain.

Life’s an adventure, and in a strong relationship, you’re each other’s favorite co-adventurers. Whether it’s trying new cuisines or embarking on spontaneous road trips, embracing new experiences together keeps the relationship exciting and fosters a sense of shared adventure. Who needs a compass when you’ve got each other?

11. Gratitude Attitude

Gorgeous man and woman staring into each other's eyes

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to take each other for granted. But in a strong and healthy relationship, gratitude is key. Whether it’s saying “thank you” for loading the dishwasher or expressing appreciation for small gestures, acknowledging each other’s efforts strengthens your connection and fosters a culture of appreciation.

12. Patience and Understanding

Love, diversity and couple hug on vacation, holiday or summer trip. Romantic, relax smile and happy man and woman hugging, embrace or cuddle, having fun and enjoying quality time together outdoors

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a strong relationship. Patience is the name of the game, whether you’re navigating through rough patches or waiting for your partner to finish their skincare routine. After all, good things come to those who wait, so take a deep breath and enjoy the journey.

13. Forgiveness and Healing

We’re all human, and we all make mistakes. In a strong and healthy relationship, forgiveness is essential. Whether it’s forgetting to take out the trash or accidentally eating the last slice of pizza, letting go of grudges and moving forward strengthens your bond and fosters a culture of acceptance and understanding.

14. Individuality and Independence

As much as you love being together, maintaining a sense of independence is crucial. Whether it’s pursuing solo hobbies or spending time with friends, having your own interests and identity outside of the relationship keeps things fresh and prevents co-dependency.

15. Mutual Growth

In any strong relationship, personal growth is a continuous journey. Whether it’s supporting each other’s career aspirations or encouraging self-improvement, growing together strengthens your bond and deepens your connection. It’s not just about reaching your goals; it’s about evolving and becoming the best versions of yourselves, together.

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Josh grew up in Connecticut and thought he could never be happier away from big bodies of water until he moved to Minneapolis and fell in love with it. He writes full-time, with his lifestyle content being published in the likes of Men's Health, Business Insider, and many more. When he's not writing, he likes running (but not enough to train for a marathon even though his buddy won't stop asking him).