15 Surprising Signs Someone Might Be A Sociopath

15 Surprising Signs Someone Might Be A Sociopath

You might think someone seems like a sociopath, but are they really showing sociopathic traits, or are they just annoying? While a sociopath can be dangerous, they’re master manipulators who won’t show you that side of themselves right off the bat. They’re quite subtle in how they reel you in and gain control of your life. Here are 15 surprising signs that you’re dealing with this toxic personality type and need to head for the exit.

1. They tell a lot of pointless little lies.

Sure, sociopaths are manipulative and will lie about big things, but they’ll also fib about trivial things. When they do, they lie without conscience. So, they might say they were asleep when you called even though they were out. It might seem like it’s no big deal in the long run, but if these little lies are accumulating, it’s a red flag.

2. They live on the fly.

Sociopaths can be quite intense and spontaneous. When you first meet one, you might think it’s charming when they call you up for a date at the last minute. However, they might also be so spontaneous that they find it hard to stick to the plans they made or fulfill their commitments. Keeping up with them can be dizzying, while their broken promises are sure to build resentment.

3. They do things that scare them (and you).

Sociopaths don’t consider things like health and safety. While they might think it’s cool that they ride a motorbike without a helmet or trespass on private property without any fear of the consequences, this puts them at risk. If you’re hanging out with them, you could get reeled into their latest “adventure” that could end badly. It doesn’t help that they think the rules don’t apply to them.

4. They eye-roll when you tell them about your feelings.

If the person you’re dating rolls their eyes at you, don’t write it off as them being in a bad mood or having other things on their mind. If they’re constantly brushing off what you say with an eye-roll or by looking distracted, this points to them struggling to feel what others are going through. Sociopaths have zero empathy.

5. They’re huge love bombers.

It’s flattering when the new person you’ve started dating is always hitting you up for dates, showering you with praise, and giving you thoughtful gifts. However, you have to stop and realize you’re being love bombed if they don’t even know you but they’re rushing to reach major relationship milestones. Sociopaths can be extremely charming, but it’s a way to hook you.

6. They live in the moment a little too much.

You might think it’s refreshing how the person in your life isn’t overly concerned about the future, but after a while, you might see that they live life in this way because they’re careless. It’s not uncommon for them to ditch work regularly or miss a few bills every month. They don’t have five- or 10-year-plans. They don’t even know what they’re doing tomorrow!

7. They hate being bored.

A sociopath can sometimes seem like the life of a party. They never want to be bored or stuck at home with FOMO. Their need for thrilling adventures isn’t just about taking up a new hobby. They can change their home, relationships, and jobs at the drop of a hat. They also struggle to maintain a regular family or work life.

8. They don’t seem to have any friends.

It should be a red flag when the person seems to be the life of the party, but they don’t have any close friends. The thing is, they’re not forthcoming about their life or who’s in it because they maintain an air of mystery and want to compartmentalize. If you ask them about their friends, they might brush you off, change the subject, or get defensive and rude.

9. They’re all about status.

This sign of a sociopath could be more difficult to spot because so many people care about status. However, if the person you’ve started dating seems to have a strong desire for power, which is behind their need to have the latest devices, car, and the most stylish house on the block, that’s a problem. Sociopaths are obsessed with being in control in all areas of life.

10. They like to coast through.

Although sociopaths might have high-paying, high-flying careers, they tend to lie and manipulate their way up the corporate ladder. They want to appear to be amazing at their job, but it’s all an act. They don’t actually work hard, and usually rope in other people to do the dirty work for them.

11. They don’t ask you questions.

Sociopaths are highly self-absorbed. You’ll probably wish you could pause their non-stop chatter during a date because they go on and on about themselves. Consider yourself lucky if they remember that you’re sitting across from them and ask you a question.

12. They storm out of the room when confronted.

If you try to confront a sociopath about something they’ve done wrong, they’ll be quick to react. They might become critical and abusive, or simply storm out of the room so that the conversation ends. They don’t want to face their mistakes and flaws at any cost.

13. They thrive on drama.

Sociopaths are all about having as much chaos as possible. Take a closer look at their lives and you’ll probably see that they’re always fighting with someone, they’re always involved in drama, or they’re always talking about taking people to court. It’s a lot of chaos!

14. They remain calm during high-stress situations.

Although it might seem like a good trait to be able to remain super calm during the most stressful or emergency situations, it’s creepy. Sociopaths have been found to not show any fear when exposed to disturbing images, like other people do. They might also pretend to empathize when you’re going through something painful, but just to maintain their social mask.

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Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.