Slow Down — Just Because He’s Interested Doesn’t Mean These Things Will Happen

When a guy shows interest in you, you might think it’s solid evidence that he wants to be with you. But before you start calling him your future boyfriend, bear in mind that just because he seems to like you, it doesn’t mean these things are guaranteed:

  1. That he’ll be really into you. He’s showing that he likes you, sure, but who’s to say that he’s really into you? He might just be enjoying a flirting session. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of banter with someone you find attractive, but you shouldn’t automatically assume that it’ll turn into anything more than that.
  2. That he’ll actually ask you out. He says he really likes you and that you’re awesome but he doesn’t actually ask you out. WTF? Sure, maybe he’s waiting for you to make the first move, but he also might just like the attention he gets from you and wants to keep it coming.
  3. That he’ll wants to be exclusive. If he does actually ask you out and you start dating, you might not be the only woman in his life. There’s no telling unless he actually says that he wants to be exclusive. Until that happens, it’d be foolish to assume there’s no one else in the picture.
  4. That he’ll call you. You had a great date with a guy and by the end of it, you felt positive that he’d definitely call like he said he would… but then he didn’t. There are many reasons why, despite having really enjoyed himself. He could have changed his mind because he realized that you’re not what he’s looking for (his loss) or that he’s not looking for anything real. A great date might just be that: a great time and nothing more.
  5. That he’ll want to take things out of the bedroom. Great sex doesn’t a relationship make. No matter how connected you are in the bedroom, it doesn’t mean that interest in that area of your relationship is going to spread to other areas. Sure, he likes you and he’s ready to show that into the bedroom, but maybe he’s only into a fling. Don’t confuse sex with emotional interest — hold back a bit to figure him out so you know what you’re getting into before you jump into his bed.
  6. That he’ll make a great boyfriend. When a guy shows a woman interest, it’s easy to think he’ll be an amazing boyfriend. Wait, what? What proof do you really have? Anyone can be charming and complimentary, especially during the all-important chase. Those things fade once a guy settles into a relationship, so don’t assume that he’s going to be the best boyfriend ever. Only time will tell.
  7. That he’ll work hard to keep you interested. You might focus so much on whether or not he’s interested in you, but what about your interest? He should be working hard to impress you and keep you interested in what he has to offer, and don’t you forget about it!
  8. That he’ll be interested in who you are. He might text to ask how your day was, but honestly, he could just be making conversation. Just because he’s interested, it doesn’t mean that he’s interested in all of you. Make sure that he’s asking about more important, detailed things, such as your dreams, your family or your life goals before you assume that conversation — any conversation — is enough. It isn’t.
  9. That he’ll become a better man. He might be a bad boy or a player when you meet him, and maybe you think he’ll change for you. Don’t hold your breath. Just because you’re both into each other, this is definitely not enough motivation for him to change his game. You’re going to end up having to try to change him, which never works.
  10. That he’ll break it off with his girlfriend. He tells you he has an amazing connection with you that he has never had with anyone else. The catch? He’s already got a woman in his life. Press delete and move on. Don’t waste a second of your time believing that he’ll leave her because even if he does, he’ll end up doing the same thing to you.
  11. That he won’t ghost you someday. When you get ghosted by a guy who seemed to really like you, you might shake your head and wonder how it happened. But weirdly, some guys tend to ghost women during the best times — it’s because things are getting serious and they’re not keen on commitment. He’s actually doing you a favor by showing you his real colors, though, so if he has ghosting tendencies, you can only hope that he’ll show them ASAP.
  12. That he’ll fall in love with you. You only show real interest in guys who you think you could fall for, but some guys can show interest in many women without getting a case of the feels. So don’t assume that just because you can see that he likes you he’s going to become one of those guys from soppy romcoms. Take a leaf out of the Male Handbook of Dating and enjoy the moment. It’s really all you can do.
Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.