We’ve got to stop calling traits either “good” or “bad.” It’s really how you use them that matters. So, if someone calls you jealous/lazy/unfocused, don’t let it get to you or define you in a negative way. Rather, try to see the positive things in your personality traits so you can do great things with them. Ready? Here are 10 “bad” personality traits that are actually really good! Don’t let the haters get you down.
1. Selfishness
Okay, disclaimer: selfishness can be a really crappy trait, like when you’re dating someone who’s so selfish they never think about you and they just want to take, take, take. We’re not talking about that selfishness RN. We’re talking about having so-called selfishness that’s really self-protection, like when you say “no” to a toxic guy’s requests so you can guard your heart. Or, when you remember to put your needs on the map so you don’t neglect yourself.
2. Shyness
Enough with thinking shyness is a bad thing – it can be really good! If you’re shy and introverted, chances are you take lots of time to observe people and your surrounding, which makes you skilled at learning things. So, while everyone else is talking and laughing, you’re noting important details and remembering conversations that can help you in future.
3. Craziness
You’ve probably been called “crazy” by exes and other people who use the term so much it’s become diluted. As long as you’re not legit crazy, being a little crazy is a good thing. You’re not afraid to be who you are, go for what you want, and stand up for yourself. If you’re not a little crazy, you’re just going to fall into the dull box that everyone tries to shove you in. Yikes, what a waste of a beautiful life!
4. Skepticism
Author Oscar Wilde once said, “Skepticism is the beginning of faith.” While that’s deep, it makes sense. If you’re a bit skeptical of things, it enables you to have faith because you can work through your doubts and come out on the other side. Skepticism can save you from getting scammed and it ensures you back up your facts so you don’t make a fool of yourself. Nice one.
5. Arrogance
Although arrogance is generally a big no-no, sometimes people call you this because they’re threatened by you. There’s nothing that grates them more than if you’re successful and stand up for yourself. But that’s their own insecurity at play. It’s really not your problem. If you’re struggling with confidence, a bit of bigging yourself up can be good because it helps you to behave in a confident way even if you don’t feel it.
6. Impulsiveness
Acting without thinking can be a bad thing. It can put you in dangerous situations and cause you to regret your decisions later. But, sometimes being a bit impulsive can be healthy. Note: a bit, not a lot! It prevents you from overthinking about situations, which can keep you paralyzed. Sometimes, you’ve just got to jump in and trust your gut on things!
7. Being Laidback
If you’re laidback and mellow, people might think you’ve got no fieriness in you. This is total BS. In fact, if you identify as a Type B personality, you’ve got lots going for you. You’re not killing yourself by trying to be perfect or over-stressing yourself to the point of getting a heart condition. You can actually get more done because you’re chilled. Nice one.
8. Sensitivity
“You’re so sensitive” can feel like such an insult. When it’s thrown at you, you probably feel like the other person is calling you weak or dramatic. But forget that. More often than not, being sensitive is a good thing. It makes you empathetic towards other people so you can understand their experiences, and it ensures you’re in tune with your feelings.
9. Jealousy
Jealousy can be a bad thing if it’s making you compare yourself to others so much that you want to bring them down. But, in small doses, jealousy can be healthy for you. When you feel it overwhelm you, stop and think about what it’s trying to tell you. Maybe you’re jealous of your friend because you want the career/relationship she has. Okay, good. Figuring out what you want can help you achieve it. So, in this way, you can use jealousy to motivate you. How cool is that?
10. Being Calm
It’s funny how people want you to be calm when your emotions aren’t convenient for them, like when you’re angry at your partner who cheated on you, but then when you’re the only calm person in the room, they act like you should be feeling more. Yikes, you can’t win. Generally, though, being calm is a good thing. You keep a clear head so you’re great to speed-dial during emergencies and you can problem-solve with creativity because your brain’s not messed up with so much stress.
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